20 / 96
Jan 2024

Do you have any interesting covers for your chapters, comics or novels, you wanna show off?
Good covers are a treat on and by themselves! don't be shy and post your favorites, and comment on any ones you like!
I'll post some of mine to start us off!
This one's brand new!

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And here are some more covers I liked how they came out!
This one's very jojo-ish.

I really liked how the colors came out on this one.

This one looks very relaxing and comfy

This one came out bretty cute!

And this one's just plain funny!

Don't be shy and share yours! Let's see them!

Current Cover:

Real tempted to make a new cover lol but most covers I make are really just posters I wish I had in my room. I like the composition of this cover, but I also really like the color palette of the old one

I like the top cover, it looks action packed with all the characters doing their thing, showing the viewer who is who clearly at first glance, as if preparing the reader for the action within.
The bottom one has them overlap so you can only see bits of some of them, and constrains their poses, So I agree, I like the new one better!

Oh this is neat, it's like an album cover, for an album that's an absolute banger!
I like, it also looks like it has all the important story beats right there in the cover.

i've got some spooky covers on the ghoul

Classic Fantasy ain't got as spooky a cover though

I'd suggest using some fonts as a base for the logo so it's a bit easier to read, it will also make it easier to paste on stuff.

I like the logo, and the design. Going for the book look fits an epic or fairytale type of story like a glove.

The various Elsie covers

Lol there are only two. BWAHAHAHAHA!

And the Harry Houdini variant

Might make one with every main character as the focus. Thinking about doing Jane first.

Looks like it's going for a tarot card style for the cover? Interesting, especially in black and white for the spooky feeling.
That last cover however, gives me an entirely different feel,haha.

It's a rather serene cover, If I had a nitpick is that I'd add some more posing for the characters and make the constellations easier to see.

The animated cover is pretty novel! And the camcorder theme of the chapters is pretty fun too!

The first two are a bit too busy, it's hard to tell what's happening at first glance.
The last one is easier to read but the poses are a bit too tame, the third one is a nice compromise, I'd vote for that one!

I think the second one is more interesting, but I would be careful with text obscuring the characters.

Tales of Beleben covor
might change it later idk

Oh, right, so in reality the first one is for my future chapter 5, the second one is for the 4, the third one is my main cover (updated), and the last one is the old one.

I am no artist and I did this on Paint 3D but I immensely proud of how I managed to hide my lack of artistic ability

Here's the first cover I made for my comic

This is the second one I made and the current one.

Is essentially similar to the previous one(In terms of the elements present in the image) plus another one of the Main Characters but more aligned with the current artstyle of the comic.

This is my current cover

I may or may not update it to something similar to this. I can't decide though

The only ones I have to show are two. The first being my original cover which I drew back in early 2020. It was one of my pieces of digital art ever and it shows....I feel like Ive been too hard it recently as a way of propping up what came after because the cover isnt that bad. Its just that, insight, a lot of things I wanted to do weren't executed as well as I would've wanted, mostly because I would only have about 1 to 2 hours or so to work on it during class back in high school.

The cover stayed mostly unchanged until June 2021 when I started posting to Tapas. Between then and 2022, I made a lot of modifications from changing the image ratio to changing the skyline background from purple to red in order for the logo (which I had edited the colors for) to better contrast.

This brings us this past late October where I finally found the time to replace the cover with something new, which I had been wanting to do the last edit. This one is notable as this was one of the first illustrations I had done in Clip Studio Paint (I've been using photoshop since late 2019), and Im really proud of how this turned out. I guess being able to draw digitally at home makes all the difference. Surprisingly, the one thing thats remained unchanged is my logo which I drew on bristol paper and then scanned on a computer, and then lined in illustrator which had no problem working on Windows 7 on my home computer compared to photoshop. Thats probably why it hasnt aged a day (apart from the color changes)

My story has a comic version and novel version.

Novel cover

Comic cover (this one was done earlier when I first started the comic and the image is from one of the comic episodes - I'll probably change it eventually)

All of our currently active graphic novels, along with a couple of future covers. If you're one of our readers, I'm sure you'll guess which ones are spoilers :wink:

Here's some from my older stories. First one is a redraw I'll probably redraw at some point, lol.

My latest cover, which I rushed because it was for a contest entry story:

these are neat, I think I prefer the first one, but both are neat

This might be inappropriate, but the angle of the character and the location of the bottom reversed heart makes it look like the it's the character's butt.

Oh this one is a joy, I can see a lot of work went into it, and the action and pose tells that you most likely already have several comics unto your belt already, great job!

The use of silhouettes is clever, although I would recommend using some fonts for the texts, it's one of those things where someone else already did the heavy lifting, and it helps so much for readabillity.


ive got SO many backlogged covers, but their apt to change, so heres the two that are already released!
The Sepulcher is set to be an anthology piece, so each new story is going to have a new cover!

ItĀ“s like 3 years old but I still like it
Maybe someday I redoit with the slight design changes IĆ­m making my characters go through

I do prefer the second one better, I like the colors and the poses, If anything I'd push the poses even further but that's just preference.

I like the logo and the pose, I'd like to see the character get a little bit more protagonism, I feel he's a tad small in his own cover.

While I like the duality theme it has going on, I feel like the logo could use some work, like the letters could be different or have different colors, or the shape could be different for both sides or something like that.

Oh I like the action in the first one, but I feel like the bg works against it. The new logo and cover do look better overall and does a better job of presenting the characters, I'd add a bit more action like in the first one, but that's just me.

Thank you for the feedback. I really appreciate it. I get what you're saying about the logo that was probably the hardest part about making the cover lol.