11 / 11
Nov 2022

Hi all, name's Maki

I'm a college senior and aspiring creator/storyteller who has wanted to write a book for a while, but started watching anime during the pandemic and immediately got obsessed. Now my idea is just a story, and I want it to come to life in manga form.

Looking to collaborate with a team of writers and artists on a long term project. I am the primary writer for the story. Any money made would be split evenly I'm not here for money.

DISCLAIMER: most of the characters are brown. This fact affects absolutely none of the plot, but I'm black and have always wanted to see an animanga full of people who look like me. If this is a problem, Exit stage left

The story is a creative, complex, sci-fi/supernatural manga that takes place in a future world not unlike our own.

Victor S***, citizen of United, has it made. Living with his uncle in the Bubble city of Chicago, one of the few territories protected from the suns glare by a Solace Barrier, Vic hasn’t had had a care in the world up to this point. With one exception. One very big exception. Now it seems that secret was never his, and before he knows it he's separated from his uncle and sent to a military black site to learn how to use his ability to fight for United and get back to his uncle. Soon, however, he'll learn the difference between a chess piece and a chess master, and that in his world power is the only currency worth its weight.

I wish I could give more information to convince y'all but I've deluded myself into believing this idea is good enough to be stolen (despite obvious resume holes).

I plan on taking this seriously if it happens. This has been years of thought put into this single idea and substantial time sorting through the chaos pit that is my thoughts. I can tell you how it starts, I can tell you how it ends, I can tell you the entire arc plus design for at least ten characters.

What I need is to fill in the blanks. co-Writing, illustrating, general world building. If interested, DM respond on here of DM me on twitter @makii_moon

MORE INFO (based on feedback)

Appreciate the veterans in the comments. My initial post while incomplete was still a success.

  1. I would be the primary writer here, but would love a partner. I have excerpts to share, contract me if you want to see them.

  2. I am currently using Notebook.ai as my world building software where I'm currently encoding information I've stored in notebooks and various corners of my laptop. Any information stored there would be available to all members of the project.

  3. When I say "fill in the blanks" I want someone who wants to bring their own ideas, critiques, and new concepts to the story. I want to build something with people who are in a similar space as me (see above). I don't expect veteran artists to work for free, so if my post annoys you I wasn't talking to you.

  4. I don't have an expectation of the size or roles of the team. You bring your own skills, and we'd apply them to the project accordingly.

  5. I do not have official pervious works. I made this account today I'm diving in head first and constantly adjusting as I go. Overthinking and self critiquing are talents of mine, so this is the way to go.

  6. I'm a journalism major and an editor for my school paper so I am in no way unfamiliar to writing (I understand it is a very different kind of writing). As stated before I have excerpts willing to share with anyone who expresses interest.

  • created

    Sep '22
  • last reply

    Nov '22
  • 10


  • 3.1k


  • 7


  • 27


I have a couple of questions that might be important for your possible collaborators to have a more clear idea about your project.
First, what do you mean by "animanga"? A full colored comic, right?
Second, what's your role in the project except having this particular idea? Will you be a writer and looking for a co-writer?

It´s your dream.
Give people a motivation to work on your dream.
Otherwise they will work on their dream.

Yeah, um… sorry to tell you, but the “filling in the blanks” is the most creatively exhausting, time-consuming part of the whole “story-telling” biz. Nobody’s gonna do it for you, that’s the part that actually entitles you to the title of “story-teller”…

So here’s my advice, no collaborator needed: sit down and write this whole story down. Script, prose, doesn’t matter. Including the details. While you’re doing that, figure out the market for your book. Do market research. Find out how to market it. When you’re done the script and know your market? Then you’re ready to collaborate.

Hello thanks for responding. It would be a regular manga. I said animanga becuase when I picture scenes in my head its an anime but I'm trying to create a manga to clarify. I personally would be a writer, looking for a co-writer and an artist but I'm v new to the process so I was hoping for a team to build this together.

I don't want someone to do it "for" me. I can tell you the beginning middle and end of 5 separate parts, about 30 different character arcs from birth to time, place, and object of death. I can tell you something that happens in the second issue and explain how its essential to the events of the 70th. I can play a song and give you play-by-play (or note by note) version of events regarding a scene I assigned to the tune. What I am not is more than one person. The process of creating something with a group is more why I'm doing this than the story itself. The amount of people who like manga enough to make one, and are also available to me regularly is very small. Hence the ad. Thank you for the advice though this isn't meant to be read with any malice.

The whole thing simply comes from your original post not being clear enough, I must say. You say "I can tell you the beginning and end and everyone else will fill in the blanks". Stating that you will actually be writing something and maybe more (like thumbnailing) in the original post would actually make everything better.

You are new here, so I will just tell you there are dozens of people coming every day here with an "idea" who want to get an artist or a whole team for themselves, so people here don't particularly enjoy seeing something like what you wrote. We can say it's a kind of a misunderstanding from both sides, I suppose.
I would still recommend putting more physical work into this. If you want people to join you, you might need to already start writing the whole thing, because you will need to show them something immediately - it's much easier to read a whole script than to try pulling the information from a person who has it in their head bit by bit.

Another way that you can receive support is to be active in the community. Being honest (from a potential collaborators POV) I want to join you, but I know nothing about you: no history of previous Collabs or responses for review requests or even off topic threads.

It would be extremely helpful if you have a history on the forums. More people will see if they can help if you can show your involvement. This shows that, if you are that involved in the community, then you're probably as involved, if not more, with your own projects.

I don't know about others, but I like to see effort in works, and I will, at times, offer my services as a freelance editor for free, or even sponsor the project if I love it that much.

Hello there, welcome to the forum.
I believe there are a lot of things you could explain here and filling on the blanks of most important parts in your Main Post, not only replies:

  • Is this paid or unpaid?
  • If not paid. What can you offer collaborators in exchange of their abilities, time and compromise? What could you offer them so they won't leave the project for better oportunities?
  • Is this a long term project or a short one?
  • What is an animanga? Can you explain on the term?
  • What do you mean that your idea is a story? Is it written down in comic format, video format, narrative text or other format?
  • What's the amount of panels, pages, individual images or anything that would take the definition of a chapter?
  • If you're the "Idea guy" or the one generating the "Plot-Points". What kind of resources, elements, information, character bios or more do you have so artists and writers could use as tools?
  • What'll be your role in this project, and what'll be the role of the other people involved too?
  • How many people you're actually expecting to join the project?
  • Do you have previous works? A portfolio where people could see your abilities before deciding if to collaborate with you?

Dude I've created well crafted post showing story, scripts, character concept art, and even portfolio of my work and that still wasn't enough.

You'll have to learn both or at least one skill, writing and art takes time. Putting that to the side, a lot goes into a manga, character deigns, world building, dialogue, and many more things.

You can do it with a mangaka duo, but you both have to be interested in it to see it through. Look at Murata and One for example.

Good Luck and happy hunting

1 month later

closed Nov 5, '22

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