20 / 24
Jul 2022

@RobertBMarks What you described sounds like @TheSunVanished on Twitter. That account is a story about, well, the sun vanishing and the original poster giving status updates about surviving in the new, sunless world along with some seemingly hostile light beings that just so happened to show up at the same time.

As for me, recently I thought of a story about someone finding a creature of some kind. Spending time with the creature causes changes in the MC, giving them powers and stuff, and the MC becomes more and more convinced that it's their duty to protect it from the antagonist. And then there's the antagonist, someone working for a secret agency that knows the creature is very dangerous to the MC's health (and humanity's), and tries to talk sense into them.

I also had an idea for a couple years about characters in a story being able to talk to their author, who has to reckon with the fact that they're kind of a god of sorts, and the characters having to reckon with the fact that their lives are created for the entertainment of beings beyond their comprehension. If I'm not mistaken, @TheLemmaLlama is working on a story with a similar premise.

Are you think of God's World (which is now finished), perchance? It does have characters talking to their author, but it doesn't dive too deep into the specific metaphysics and it's less about the characrters dealing with the concept of having being created for the entertainment of beings beyond their comprehension, and more about the fragility of their existence when their entire world lies inside one guy's head (canonically, the Creator hasn't published anything yet :P)

Your take on the concept sounds interesting! I think OP's current story is also about characters making their creators :stuck_out_tongue:

  • About a mind-reader who is shunned and discriminated by the society as mind-reading ability is a remnant of an abolished dictatorship. She then hears a voice belonging to an intact nervous system of a woman sustained in a mysterious mean, that she was sentenced by said dictatorship to have "an eternal consciousness without a form or output." The nerve-woman that states her intention that she will rebuild the wretched society, and asks the mind-reader to let her stay in her mind.
  • In an engineered society derived from survivors of an apocalypse, experiment is devised. A group of 25-years old from various genders, races, backgrounds, etc. was chosen. Their consciousness is transferred into a uniform body of genderless grey-skinned android; they have the same voice, the same physical ability, even the same wake-sleep schedule. If any of the android sustain damage, all the androids will have the same damage. Any modification to show individuality is forbidden, yet somehow the androids still retain individual thoughts and personality inside. It is said to be an experiment to obtain the solution for "misplaced worship of individual and individuality" that have dwindled the society in the past, or is it?

I had this idea for a short story about a man who is getting devoured by a dog in the same way as a snake would do it. The man doesn't care what happens to him and lets the dog continue. But the dog stops due to being already full because of the legs, which made the man grow some kind of friendship towards him. The man gives the dog the courage to continue devouring, resulting in them fusing into some sort of dogman hybrid.
I also had an idea about Jason Voorhees being a babysitter. But I didn't start because I'm not in the mood to work on them. : P

Inspired by Flowers for Algernon, I once plotted an entire story about a lab rat that becomes sentient/sapient and tries to help a depressed scientist with a drinking problem I think. The experiment did some wild things to the rat and killed it in the end though if I remember correctly.

Then there was another story about a guy who's down on his luck (and a bit of an asshole) who wishes time would stand still forever so he could just go to sleep and chill for the rest of his life and gets his wish granted with a slight alteration. Time is slowed down for everyone but him and his dog so that what feels like a second to everyone else feels like a whole year for him, and he goes through Character Development (TM).

I never finished writing those though, I just plotted them and then came up with the next idea. I'll probably remember more if I go through my super old folders.

The only one I can think of right now is a boy that can control milk his parents were plants and he had a crush on a girl who sleep walked through walls.

I dunno if I wanna spoil Red Giant because that's a fever dream. Same with Dreamweaver, the story after That Stick Figure Isekai.

I have a puppet story that I'm converting into a gag comic. I actually have a couple of scripts written out. It's called "Fuzzman & Sockboy".

Photos are only on Google Docs which sucks.

Anyway, it's about two puppet superheroes stuffed with radioactive stuffing at the Build-A-Baby Factory. Fuzzman is an orange.... thing with the power to electrocute stuff. Meanwhile, Sockboy is a sock on a puppeteer in a morph suit. He has super strength and fights like a boxer.

Together the two fight crime in Sunflower City. That's not the weird part as I originally I wanted there to be a conspiracy. Basically an interdimensional Disney-like corporation bought the rights to Fuzzman & Sockboy and they've been flanderizing the characters, making them act differently. They've been making Fuzzman & Sockboy follow the "new narrative" due to it being more profitable in other dimensions. Fuzzman & Sockboy would lose their individuality. It was supposed to be a metaphor for Kermit the Frog losing his puppeteer due to him criticizing Disney's new direction.

I always thought the Muppets were the closest thing we'd ever get to meeting cartoon characters, so I thought how dark it would be to just explore the fact that Kermit can't act human anymore. This one is WAAAAAAY shorter compared to That Stick Figure Isekai. Still contemplating if I should find an artist for this narrative, or if I should just double down on the gag version since it'll be easier for the artist to draw and well... it isn't as depressing my other stories such as That Stick Figure Isekai, Red Giant, Dreamweaver, and my latest one where rats pilot tanks that resemble woodland animals (the leader pilots a capybara tank) while they fight off against reptiles in tanks that resemble slightly bigger reptiles.... in the middle of the street (just wait for THAT one lmao).

That said, That Stick Figure Isekai is currently going through this trippy storyline that I still can't believe I managed to fit.

I have this idea for a scifi story inspired by elements from early Genisis. Adam & Eve become cyborgs. Seth and the serpent are goth boys. Cain dressed up like a dog. And proto-Jesus was a robot. I didn't really have a solid plot yet so I never did anything with it.

An academia story set in a clown college. Everyone is some form of clown, mime, jester, fool or circus act
Then the villain starts turning people into killer clowns

I love exaggerated facial expressions and weird, dynamic poses, cartoony over the top characters who
freak out all the time. This means every story is weird. I also write from page to page and come up with
weirder stuff or things that I find funny on every page. Nobody can predict where the stories go and
everyone ends up thinking wtf

Alright, gist of the weirdest story idea I ever had!

NSFW, surreal fantasy/sci-fi about a college guy who doesn't fit in with other people, physically and habitually, and can't understand why. One day he gets kidnapped by two cyborg plant people from another dimension, turns out he's from the dimension he was taken to, also his real form is some flying dog/bird thing. Turns out he's the only one of his kind left, and his kind's job was to keep the world pollinated, now there is only one tree left and it's been protected and hogged up by a human scientist who is turning it's fruits into cyborgs. With the rest of the world being a wasteland.
With the help of the two cyborg plants the dog/bird guy detains the scientist, fertilizes the tree and breaks open it's chamber so it can release spores to start re-terraforming the land. Also to "fertilize" the tree he has to have sex with it. (The tree is actually a fleshy, tentacle plant hybrid thing.) The end.

At some point during the story the dog/bird guy falls for and has relations with one of the plant cyborgs, for some reason the tree produces fruits that have functioning brains, so they can feel and think and shit.

I thought of this in my early 20's, and was mildly invested in bringing the story to reality because it would have been fun. Buuut I didn't get past the cover and first page. I legit want to return to it someday because currently I would enjoy making something that horny and unsettling, like, I'm sure it would bring in some entertaining reactions.

So...one day in 2017 I was very sleep deprived and came up with "the adventures of Rabbitheadfaceman" while spacing out in class. It's about a man who wakes up one day to find that his head has been replaced with an entire rabbit. He's not the most interesting guy, so he just continues living his normal life as an office worker as if nothing has happened. He doesn't have any special powers, but on the night of the full moon he loses his senses, runs around on all fours and raids peoples' vegetable gardens (kind of like a werewolf I guess). He has a girlfriend named "Betty Hamsterhands." As her name suggests, her hands have been replaced with hamsters. Unlike Rabbitheadfaceman's rabbit head, the hamsters have wills of their own and are usually grumpy (they bite :grimacing:). I never actually turned this idea into anything aside from a few sketches.

What’s the weirdest story idea I’ve ever had?

My, I believe it’s the comic I’m writing right now :smirk:

Seriously, every once in a while I take a double take and go “wait, am I really writing this?

(Below I have the reasons for why it’s so weird. Hiding them for the convenience of those who just want to skim this thread):


  • Gaming references range from incredibly subtle to overly explicit that it’s impossible to keep track of them all
  • Plot moves so fast, you might get winded
  • Every page has a joke or two, or at least something significant happens.
  • Everyone in the main cast is, to some extent, could be considered “a freak of nature”
  • Large ensemble cast, you’re surprised you can learn to recognize everyone.
  • Regular yelling and/or panic
  • The scenarios are pretty outrageous and fantastical if you ask me
  • Speaking of fantasy: the world is a modern setting, but instead of humans there’s furries, talking plants, robots, weird creatures I made up in elementary school and still have the drawings to this day, etc.
  • Lore goes hard (but tbf we’ve only scratched the surface rn)
  • The concept of JumpHero itself may seem pretty lame and boring, but when you actually bother to read it, you realize it’s already too late and now you’re 4 chapters in and it’s way past your bedtime at this point (basically what I’m trying to say is that it’s a good comic after all—at least that’s what all my amazing readers tell me :heart_03:)

I once wrote a story about someone jumping through a box and going into another world. I was a bored middle schooler.

Hmm, I'm not sure what counts as weird.
I think my fav unusual format I did was an assignment to writing a 'coming of age' short story in college. I wrote somebody in their 30s who had the ability to inhabit people's minds and be a passenger in their lives. After a traumatic event as a teenager, they'd started to totally neglect their own life, only doing what they needed to stay alive and hop between other people's lives. They'd never learned to deal with conflict, so each time a life became 'imperfect', they'd jump ship and go to another life.
It ended with them falling in love with a local couple and working at their bakery.

Having a Twitter account that tells a story sounds really cool. I've seen one that inspired me to want to do something similar but I never have a good idea since I'm too scared to make such stories. Haha! Like it seems horror works on it the most and what I wanted to go for was more of a slice of life mystery, though I never really went with the genres and scrapped the idea before I even start it.

As for a weird story I've wanted to make in the past. I've wanted to write a sci-fi story but I'm not into science so I made a story about either 24 kids or 48 kids and each of them were made from each chromosome of the human body. I don't know, it's weird but I didn't like the story because it make literally no sense now. Like the main character's name is literally Gene. I only remember the story having the main character living with a normal human girl who takes care of Gene even though he's very powerful thanks to the power of genetics? I don't know. Lmao

Basically I was trying to study chromosomes and just made the story for that sake... In middle school.

1 month later

closed Aug 26, '22

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