1 / 23
Apr 2022

I was thinking about one of my discontinued comics and I'm curious as to why other people stopped making theirs as well!

For me, it was literally because I made it as a test comic and wasn't planning on making a full blown comic. I posted it on tapas just cos and I was surprised as to how many people ended up subbing (which made me feel a little bad bc I wasn't planning on posting more!:sweat_smile:)

It might have been because it's a gl and people are actively looking for those (same tbh) but yeah.

I don't like to start comics without an extensive plan for the story, and with my discontinued comic, I am actually planning to pick it back up again after I finish my main comic.

Unsurprising to people who read my work this will be more of a horror than anything else. The storyline has to do with a girl who falls in love with a murderer and thinks she can "fix" her so HMMM. I wanted to write a horror with a queer main character since I myself am gay as hell.

But yeah discontinuing it wasn't emotional for me, but I'm not linking it since I hate the writing :sob::sob:

But yeah, I really enjoyed making these pages!

(also found out I really enjoy making black and white comics)

  • created

    Apr '22
  • last reply

    May '22
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  • 13


Okay, so my biggest comics regret is the death of HeroBreak.

HeroBreak was a suggestion comic I made on the mspa forums (mspa as in MS Paint Adventures) so Homestucks will immediately know where this tragedy is going...:cry_02:

It was about this group of people who all got stranded in a magical world as mythical heroes. They all had titles like "sage", "warrior", "ranger" etc and an associated colour, and the ability to converse telepathically in Homestuck-esque text logs.

I uploaded the pages both on the mspa forums and on a dedicated website, but stopped for a while when I got stuck on an animated segment where I'd got WAY too ambitious and bitten off more than I could chew, particularly because after a change of job, I had less free time. I let the website lapse and just figured "eh, it's fine, there's a backup on the mspa forums!"

....Then the mspa forums suddenly went down one day with no warning. Everyone thought it was temporary... but they never came back, and so all the text that goes with these panels has since been lost. :sweat_01:

It had a pretty cool visual style too! Using a lot of silhouettes and more comic-style split screens for group convos, and comic-like inked art rather than aliased or pixel art making it unique among mspa-inspired suggestion comics.

And some fun characters, like Joe Smith, the warrior who insists his name is スミス・城 (Sumisu Jou) and is a massive weeb who wants to be Kamina from Gurren Lagann and was probably the most popular.

I honestly wish I could find the lost text for this, because it was pretty fun with some neat ideas!

It's not out of the question, because there were some really solid and diverse character designs, and the base story concept was actually pretty cool.

Errant is a reboot of an older comic that's mostly just the same characters and a few concepts with an all-new plot, so it wouldn't be unprecedented for me to reuse this cast and concepts in a similar way.:sweat_02:

Oh I have a lot. But maybe I'll cut it down to comics that I posted online.

I used to draw a story that happens about 50 years after my current serie, 6,75. I was posting it on smackjeeves and had 1.5 chapters done (about 40-50 pages?). My inner critic was constantly telling me that it is not good enough, boring and art is awful. There wasn't really anything wrong with this comic, but I was feeling overally bad and stressed (I didn't feel like I was stressed and thought that it's just my personality, but I definitely wasn't okay xd ) and I guess I took it out my comic? I deleted it from smackjeeves and from my computer. Oh well. I might return to it after finishing 6,75 :smiley:

Okay, and then there is 6,75 and TMIC, my comics on tapas.
6,75 is currently back, but to be honest it wasn't supposed to be just a LONG hiatus, I really thought I'd never go back to drawing it. And I still haven't returned to TMIC.
For both, the reason was a burnout. We were staying over hours a lot at work, there were some other stress factors irl, and I felt tired just thinking about drawing. And I was at a quite low point regarding satisfation in my illustrations, and thought that constantly spending time on drawing simple black and white panels stops me from improving my colored arts. There were also some things in worldbuilding&story I realised I did wrong and I didn't like. This all combined resulted in a decision that a hobby is supposed to be fun, and if I don't enjoy doing it anymore and it feels like a chore then I should stop. And let me tell you, it was a big relief.
...but then I started missing drawing comics and returned :smiley:
I still can't get myself to continue drawing TMIC, though this serie was much more popular and still gets more subs monthly than 6,75 despite not being updated.

I guess if you don't count the weird ones I attempted to do but never got past "mock ups"...

There was suppose to be a lot more to my comic Brother Butterfly. I was sort of unhappy with my previous series and I wanted to fix some of the issues. In my other series Mr. Blueberry was just awful and I wanted to write something where he was a lot nicer.

The story was about him and his brother who was having a mental breakdown. It was suppose to be about the two bonding as adults because they did not grow up together. I guess I sort of lost steam but put it on hiatus for years but never got back to it. It is in some ways the prototype to what I am working on now which will include most of the characters (minus the little boy)

The other is Sugar Land. I had a lot more planned for this series but sort of got overwhelmed with brainstorming that I could not pick what direction to take the series in. It also didn't help that all the original files for this series are lost due to a computer issue, including the originals for pages 32 thru 35. And I think it upsetted me so much I wanted nothing to do with this series. In 2020, I did finally have the heart to redraw the ending.

Not sure if I would revisit this series, because it technically is my most popular work. I did have concept art of stuff that never made it into the posted comic. Maybe if I hit 1000 subs I might consider continuing it.

I havent done much comics so dont have any discontinued exactly, but Ive done a few test pages here and there to just get a feel for some of my million stories that lurks in my head.

I really want to do this vampire comic some day, the main character has been in my head since 2000s something and started as a fan character after I fell in love with the anime Hellsing but through the years she got her own crazy story and I wanted to explore the idea of following the villain instead of the hero

I have a hard time doing sci-fi/modern storys tho so its always been lurking in the back of my head isntead, but I really do enjoy this story so maybe one day :cry_01:

and then I needed some more pages when I applied to a comic school and did a couple of pages with this idea of reversed roles, a prince who had sex before marriaged and is now spoiled xD he was suppose to be sent away until the shame and gossip had cooled down and would find a nice little BF instead :sweat_02:

I do have a few XD One of them was a fan comic (an adaption of one of my fanfics), another I didn't plan the story out at all and didn't have motivation, and another I just didn't like anymore XD

I have one, it is called "Fantasypower". I would love to start it again but it is very time-consuming and expensive to make because of the style I chose.

My childhood comic, Black Rhapsody, ya.
Probably started what would eventually become that comic when I was like, 9-ish. It was actually three other comics that I haphazardly merged together and it kinda showed. I was pretty hyper creative as a kid and it DIDN'T help. It had so many conflicting elements, the story was chock-full of plot holes, and looked pretty bizarre.

I stuck with it way too long just because it was my baby, my childhood story that I cherished even though it was pretty clearly terrible. Got pretty depressed after I finally decided to stop working on it and stopped writing for a while. My current comic came into existence after I had a surge of creativity from wanting to get back on my feet so to speak.

Before I was on Tapas, I used to create a comic called "Billy Learns To Rock" around 2004.

It was a humor, action/adventure, romance story that I reached around 11 chapters but because of the artwork and not liking the characters and spent years not working on it, I lost interest.

In 2020, when I started "Lyza's Sandstorm", it took over everything because I became so passionate to this story. From that point, I don't want to go back because I'm ashamed of BLTR to a point that I started to hate it and in 2021, I pulled the plug deleted it. To make it clear that it's over, I had a page of Lyza beating Billy as a whatever henchman just to make THAT point. I hated that character.

Last year I was making a comic called Questors and Quarryors. I still like it. But I ditched cause it took a tone of work, and I was unsure how markable it was. I mean, is it a furry? a fantasy? A horror? I wanted to make a much more focused comic.

Much much further back... (2010) I was making a webcomic called We Like Sheep. A strip comic about the bible, where I attempt to make fun of how ridiculous it can be while also being a believer. believing in something doesnt mean you don't see it looks stupid sometimes. :wink:

I ditched that after trying to get involved in the internet christian world to like.. market it. And I was like.. y'know what. I want no part of this. haha. (Also my son was born and ended all pretense at free time.)

Tried to do this highly psyco-philosophical thing, realised it was cringe while writing the second episode and deleted it.

Technically I have three, but I'll just talk about two because the third one only lasted like... two page. Lmao!

So my first comic attempt was going to be high lore fantasy/mythology comic with a tragic ending, it was intended to be an origin story for this world I created, and would be the prequel to every story made in that world. The title was 'We All Must be Daft' (I was going to call it 'The Gods Must be Crazy', but that was taken already.), the summary: "The current world is coming to an end, once the final soul returns to Hnbein it will be destroyed and recreated, starting life over anew exactly the same as before. Tired of repeating the same routine a group of gods in charge of the world's elements become enchanted with a mysterious rogue god who stumbles into their territory. A god with a heavy presence, unknown abilities and blood running through it. With the blood of this new being they recreate the world into something different, only for their plan to backfire."
It had some elements that poked at Christianity a bit, making the world's main religion and head god a mild-ish parody of it. I don't remember if I ever officially posted it anywhere, if I did it was Smackjeeves during it's "golden days", or on Drunk Duck/The Duck Webcomics. Either way it didn't last too long, a little over ten pages, but I had a fully fleshed out plan for it.

I started drawing it when I was 19. As embarrassing as it is to say, the reason why I never got far was at the time I still had BL mania in my system, and the lack of gay shit made me lose interest. I wouldn't mind returning to it again because 1. It's short-ish, 2. I would probably do a much better job with it now than I would have back then since I have more experience now, and 3. I'd be able to stay dedicated to finishing it. It had a fun, simple premise that is much more up my alley now than back then, all the characters would need a total overhaul though.

Second comic was kinda weird. It was about my current comic's MCs in their late teens, in their hometown, the story itself has nothing to do with my current comic but the time, setting, backstories and some characteristics (Particularly the physical ones with small changes.) are canon. This comic was started when I was 20, so just a year after the first. It was an attempt at a BL and the story was going to be about this Christian extremist boy learning he's gay by fall for another kid who he was trying to covert (Which was Julian.), after he finally tells his parents they kick him out, with him and Julian moving into an apartment in Cleveland. Ending the story with them making due with what they have, Julian having to be the provider because he's the only one of-age to legally have a job.
It turned into something completely different, being directionless because I didn't really know what I was doing, and kept changing my mind of main story stuff. What I ended up with was this mess that meandered around, the boy turned out not being gay, and I changed it so much I no longer had a solid story with a proper ending.

I stopped this comic because I literally couldn't do it anymore, this comic wasn't doing anything for me, and I was so overwhelmed with everything I starting losing interest in drawing altogether. After several years, and three-ish long chapters the final page was drawn in January 2016, around when I started TGtaHR. This is a project I'll never want to revisit, it was made when I had a lot of nasty crap going on in my life, and during all that time working on it I went through a lot of changes, it's just not something I'd make anymore.

That being said the one positive I'd give is I really do like the B&W, it's a medium I really enjoy and it came out looking pretty alright! If some parts of TGtaHR didn't rely on color I would have drawing it in B&W.

I think I've talked about this before, so I'm just gonna be lazy and dump this here :stuck_out_tongue:

But to summarize, a big reason I discontinued a lot of my comics was because I found I kept coming back to the same themes in my writing, and since I only have so many years on this planet, I figured I should merge them into a few really solid works instead of making many works about the same things over and over again XD

The Unbeatable Q. It was a comic about this overpowered dude who can defeat everyone. He had a "beanie" living on his head that's really a parasite. It's trying to suck all the power from him; but the parasite can't leave until the host is dead which is... never. That was the comic's mascot lmao.

In order to get Q's power you have to kill him; so everyone is lined up (Q accidentally got this power by triggering an allergic reaction to the previous holder who just so happened to be an alien). It was like a Proto-That Stick Figure Isekai except the protagonist just wants some sleep since people try to kill him 24/7. Side characters include: the most beautiful woman in the universe (she's so beautiful, the reader can't see her face), a DBZ knock-off, a Steve Jobs-inspired character that makes devices dedicated to killing Q and selling them to the public and Q's adopted brothers who disliked the fact that he was getting more attention from his parents. As a result one became the smartest person in the universe (driving himself insane in the process) while the other has gone full Ryu and is trying to learn as many fighting styles as possible.

I ended the comic because I came across too many plot holes (I was inexperienced at the time). I decided to just transfer characters over to my dream project, "The Red Giant". ESPECIALLY Q since I loved his character so much.

I couldn't make The Red Giant because a bunch of artists bailed on me, so I had no choice but to make something simple and That Stick Figure Isekai was born. Although... Q lived to see the day!... Sorta.

I honestly don't think I'll ever make Unbeatable Q again due to me creating this other project that pretty much stole everything that made Unbeatable Q great; although, if I find a new gimmick to make it its own thing again, I might give it a shot. Until then, the characters are scattered everywhere across my other projects.

I started a sci-fi horror comic 2 years ago about a future where Earthlings are mining the memory of a marginalized alien group for personal gains. It's supposed to be a metaphor for my own experience as a creator, but it was too much of a downer partly due to the genre. I wanted to tell a more hopeful and upbeat story instead, so I took some of the concepts and reworked it into a YA fantasy story which eventually became Sao and the Glow of Memories.