It always depends on what I´m working on.
I won a german comic contest with a comic which I wrote from panel to panel.
It´s hard to do it like that but I liked the result and it was fitting to the style of the comic
I´m currently creating a series of short cartoon like stories which all play in the same
setting. I´m writing a rough outline for the episodes and then give myself enough freedom
to improvise.
The fun part of making comics for me is the improvisation with a rough idea. Very
similiar to how I record an album. One of the best albums I recorded wasn´t planned
at all. We rehearsed the songs the night before the recording or on the day of the recording.
I plan my story to have multiple arcs, and the first arc was around 80% finished when I started publishing. For the later arcs, I have the broad strokes of what I want to happen, but I won't plan out scene by scene until I'm ready to start writing them.
It's too early to say whether this system will work for me long term, but right now I'm quite happy with it.
Before I started releasing "Sun With a Paper Crown" (the sequel to "Damsel in the Red Dress.") and "A Dozen Morning Glories" I plot pointed the entire books chapter by chapter BUT i had not written out every chapter yet. I stocked up a certain amount of chapters in advance and wrote more while i released chapters from my buffer. I would consider the plot points much more than a vague outline since it's basically a play by play of the chapters (when i write my outlines) along with any relevant dialog or lines of description I want to make it into the final version of the chapter.
now for "Crystal Blue" I HAD an outline chapter by chapter, but it was much vaguer, and I ended up diverging from that outline and I just keep diverging. But hey the stories are better this way.
when I first started writing DITRD, i was just winging it with a vague concept of what would come later, but then i started coming up with ideas for future chapters and writing them down, organizing them chronologically, sometimes in pretty good detail, so it was kind of a combination
I have planned this volume, 45% of my spin off, 65% of the second volume, 58% of the spin off's second volume and 20% of next, and about a 32% of the main story third volume.
Yeah, I know the direction my comic's going, I'm mostly scared that, given how far away it is, I'll change too much and grow out of my own work, so I'll try to evolve without affecting who the character in my story are.
I've just figured out the main parts and ending of my current work! Although I haven't thought about some details yet, which I think is pretty common for most authors, haha!
I'm planning to divide my story into 3 seasons, so I'm focusing on the first one for now! I wrote about 2 or 3 chapter drafts ahead to avoid any sudden need to change the plot. I've found this approach to be pretty helpful, I think!
Good luck with your work, Heidi!
I just barely started, but I can tell you right now: my mind does far too much wandering for me to write out my plot in any degree of detail. As we speak, I probably have about thirty premises/plotlines bouncing around my head, waiting for me to give them an outlet. Unfortunately, only about ten percent of those make it to my idea list. Seriously, I think of the weirdest things at the weirdest times. Just recently, I had an idea for a company in a sci-fi setting. "Edibles Inc.® Inventor of Prechewed Food and the all new Edible Human!" Disgusting, I know but that's how far my mind goes.
Season 1 it's written chapter to chapter till mid-point, but the rest are on a MIRO board as short notes and concept art ( in mind map form). such a handy online tool :
The other seasons are in skeletal form with more attention on the true ending (currently aiming for 4 seasons), just enough to plan characters and foreshadow stuff. Each season is just days apart and season 2-3 the story shifts into a battle royale, just wanted to ensure it feels continuous.
Some future scenes are inspired by artwork and characters I've done in the past also.
Yep exactly it felt like it would become FAR too much work and overwhelming.
Sometimes limitations for my computer to render heavy 3d scenes and effects like fur or new ideas come after building props for the comic. Because of this, its become common for me to change scenes that were previously written and improvising sections can make the process feel fresh at times.
So because of this I don't worry too much to have it completely written.
I'm usually more of what they call a 'pantster'? I kind of make it up as I go. But I usually have an idea where to start and what characters i want to build and go from there. They tend to have a mind of their own after that
Here's my latest story. It's kind of like if 'Solo Levling' met 'Stardust' and put a pinch of Egyptian mythology set in modern day Japan