Before I started releasing "Sun With a Paper Crown" (the sequel to "Damsel in the Red Dress.") and "A Dozen Morning Glories" I plot pointed the entire books chapter by chapter BUT i had not written out every chapter yet. I stocked up a certain amount of chapters in advance and wrote more while i released chapters from my buffer. I would consider the plot points much more than a vague outline since it's basically a play by play of the chapters (when i write my outlines) along with any relevant dialog or lines of description I want to make it into the final version of the chapter.
now for "Crystal Blue" I HAD an outline chapter by chapter, but it was much vaguer, and I ended up diverging from that outline and I just keep diverging. But hey the stories are better this way.
when I first started writing DITRD, i was just winging it with a vague concept of what would come later, but then i started coming up with ideas for future chapters and writing them down, organizing them chronologically, sometimes in pretty good detail, so it was kind of a combination