Not really. I guess I sort of want to work on my current series and maybe branch out from it. I guess sort of making my own cinematic universe in a sense.
I guess I do have some ideas for other stuff but they are either mini series or something that might be better suited to a novel format. I do at one point want to make something for little kids that I could maybe get published but I haven't really thought of anything yet for that.
TBH If I were to finish Shapeshifter's Wife, I'd probably be done for a while. Been doing comics quite a lot the past few years with little return, and seeing how much shift there's been, even in the past few years towards making more and more content weekly for zero pay has been pretty disheartening. It really depends on what changes will take place in the industry, but at the moment I just don't see myself in it's future, which is sad but like...the current aggregate comic site model is not working for the type of stories I want to tell and the art style that I use. If there were a way I could spend less time while still doing it, I would, but it takes an aggressive amount of my time to get any viewers at all. Not even a few, I'm not asking to be famous or anything--but like any viewers at all.
I feel this with intense passion. I too have so many OCs that have grown with me and evolved over time, Most of the older ones from back in the day have been put into MM! BUT I still very much create other stories outside of my current comic that I would like to share.
I'm thinking for my next project after MM! I'll stick to short stories and one-offs that tell the stories of all the OCs made more recently. Whenever I have a dream or inspiring thought I type or write it out asap to translate it into a story later.
I really like doing Illustrated prose and the idea of a book/s filled with my short stories and illustrations making a sort of light novel anthology sounds really good to me and doable after spending years working on one comic.
Hey everyone! How's it goi -- OH NO! I'VE DROPPED MY PICTURES!
Siiiiigh. Oh well... at least you guys don't know it's for a sequel to That Stick Figure Isekai. DANG IT! I've done it again!

Might as well leave the link to my current webcomic for people who're interested. Why does bad stuff ALWAYS happen to me?

I'm already working on another comic while working on my second title is a "print only" comic, meaning that I just create it to print and sell it at conventions shows and it can be bought/ordered online.
I also plan on making a comic for my Patreon as an exclusive project; once that one is done, I plan to sell digital copies of it and possibly print it to sell at cons.
ALSO also- working on a story for a spin-off from my webcomic once it ends. I'm super hyped to explore this character and to further develop them..!
Well... I work for two long term comics so I know I'll have work for a while, I'm currently finishing another one.
I don't think I'll work on anything personal, at least not something big, maybe some drawings and doodles, but once I have a bit more of free time guess I'll mostly do commissions.
While I like making comics, I personally don't like making my own comics xD
Kinda, I have my main series that I intend to keep going for a long time and I have some side series' I want to do, I also already have a second series on here that I'm trying to get a buffer up for, as well as a third series with lots of random stories and a mini series that ties to my main series. I also plan on writing a few novelized series'. I have a comedy horror novel I really want to release on here but I haven't really gotten around to write it, but I already have all the plot points ready. So basically I have a commented series I plan to keep working hard on and I have so many ideas that I'm also going to pursue as well. My only real limit is my imagination.
This is an interesting question to me. I'm going to be working on my current story for a long time (it's looking like at least 10 years...), and I only have so much 'make comics' energy, so it's all going to that right now.
Energy aside, though, I deal with a lack of ideas. Well, that's not true. I deal with a lack of ideas that I can use. Part of what kept me from making my own comic for so long is that I have a tendency to love making my own OCs.... but then dump them into an existing fandom's world. So I have all of these awesome, dynamic, fun ideas for characters and stories... set in/inextricably linked to existing, copyrighted worlds.
This has been a long-term problem of mine-- I enjoy world-building, but it's daunting and exhausting, and other people are better at it. If I did another project in the future, I think I'd have to set it in a modern day setting, just so I didn't have to worry as much about the world-building.
oh man, i hope to xD i have tons of stories i really love! but i'm also cognizant that i'm already in my mid-twenties- if i stick to the page-a-week schedule, i can only do so many of my stories justice, realistically speaking. i may try to work on adapting one of them into something like a VN or prose novel instead, but we'll see.
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