1 / 21
Apr 2024

Btw, with ducks, I mean your average mallard duck that you’d randomly find, not some type of murderous ninja duck, so don’t worry

Hugo could fight a solid 3 ducks before succumbing.
Kid would lose an arm fighting one
Ethan could probably hold up against 5, but would probably end up in the hospital by the end

Ducks are savage little bastards, do not underestimate them when answering this question. They will know if you do.

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Carmen is a hunter, so... lots.

Daecon is a shapeshifter that can change into nearly any animal (including a duck), so... lots

no, my leads are average, not particularly aggressive people, and they aren't hunters. Unless they are eating an animal, they'd try to get to safety without hurting it.

Now Mr. Xochitl, he'd kill as many as he was legally allowed to. He IS a hunter. His son Rodrigo would do basically the same.

I’m going to read your comic the moment I can based entirely on this comment

Well, I didn't expect you'd call out (future char) Peck like that XD

Guess I'll sit this one out...

I don't what to be that guy, but Baul has zero limit to how many ducks she could fight. But she is supernatural. Gavin I would say maybe 10. 20 would overwhelm him easily. Humans aren't really good at fighting animals in hand to hand combat really.

My main OC is similar to a fire elemental....so probally turn them all into fried chicken for a tasty meal. Ninja chickens too.

Claudita can take down lots and lots of ducks if she can take down lots of insectoid warriors with ease

Not be a party pooper, but I think some of y’all are seriously underestimating the destructive power of ducks

For Ian, it depends on how far his character development has gone. Beginning of the story- I’d say about 10 ducks before his ankles were bitten off. Around the end of the story- it could be a duck bloodbath :skull_crossbones:

As for August, 0 if he can befriend geese, ducks stand no chance against his friendship. There would be no fight.

It's not ducks that worry me, it's geese. Canada geese in particular. You may have heard rumours that Canadians are all kind and generous?

LIES. Vile, filthy LIES. At least as far as Canada Geese are concerned. Those things are NASTY.

Frickin' murder chickens...

Interesting question

Zov'ha would fight valiantly, defeating maybe forty ducks before she turns into her crazy form and defeats a hundred more lol.

Marana would throw her cat, Mr Murderclawz, towards the ducks and run away.

Aekis wouldn't be bothered. He'd probably just wave his hands and walk away.

Sinovan would try and calm the ducks down. But if they're still agressive he'd ask Zov'ha for help.

From my Novel:

For Apparent Secrets, here's the roommate-to-duck breakdown:

  • Iris: (human, purple hair) Zero ducks. She is ill-prepared to engage ducks in combat, and would rather perish than risk hurting the precious creatures.
  • Zayzann: (blue bird-person) Specializes in hunting and fishing. Is more likely to communicate with ducks and join their cause than combat. Should diplomacy fail, he's down for serious duck-struction.
  • Byxx: (blonde archfiend) MASSIVE damage to ducks. Known destroyer of all things poultry. Unarmed, strong double-digits. Armed with his fearsome sword Damocleaver, nigh in-duck-structible.
  • Khazmine: (black haired technology golem) Unknown. Has never encountered ducks on her home world, and would likely be more interested in academic study of ducks than in committing fowl murder.

Right now Screnry could fight maybe 5 ducks. People like monkey and hold the phone idk would maybe be close to a million, especially after this newest episode.

Monkey feats
-Instant transportation aka folding space
-punched through something bullets couldn’t make it through

Hold-the-phone feats
-attacking the cohesion between the atoms in bodies.
-immeasurable speed/space folding
-near perfect intuition
-ability to manipulate electrical energy in machines

Screnry hasn’t learned to really use Shakti yet so he is at normal cat level just about but he is smartish and came from a rough background so I give him 5 ducks. However he also will be able to beat a lot of ducks later.

1.Are you kidding me , if he was fully vampire i dont know how much but i will be alot, but hes not only vampire, or werewolf, hes like a supernatural king so maybe idk... quaddrillions

  1. Johnathan would beat like billions, but would be exhausted to continue with the rest after that number.