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Mar 2020

Hi! I noticed as soon as I started uploading my comic, that I had the option to subscribe to my own work, as well as give myself likes. I haven't done any of that, because I thought it was strange, but i am curious whether that's the wrong decision. Wouldn't it make sense for the site to just not give those options to the author? Or is there a reason why it's useful?

So here are my two biggest questions:
Do you subscribe to and or like your own comic?
Why/why not?

  • created

    Mar '20
  • last reply

    Mar '20
  • 34


  • 2.3k


  • 33


  • 123


  • 3


Depends on how easy i can find my work online.
I am not subbed to my own works on Tapas since i can easily access them. However i am subscribed to my same comic on Webtoon because finding it there is a larger hassle

I subbed to my comic to check more easily how a chapter looks on the
Tapas app.

So....mostly is for a practical reason

I don't like my own works, it seems unfairly-earned and biased. And I hate it as much as giving myself views, even though I really just want to check how my works look on mobile. But I do subscribe to make sure I can see what the reader sees, like if errors occur and my update doesn't show.

Nope. Goes against my loosely defined personal code.

It's unearned. It's not worked for at all. Subbing to your own stuff always just seems kinda... underhanded.

No, I don't. It feels like inflating my numbers even if it's just one like or one subscriber. I might subscribe if it means I reach a milestone though.

I dont but boy do I wish I had that level of confidence.

Subscribed cause tapas is a ding dong and updating got borked. So now I have to make sure the comic updates.

My one sub or like doesn't skew things. The telemetry is so borked right now, that 50 likes won't even put you anywhere close to the top of a list.

Subscribing helps make sure things are working properly. There have been at least 10 times when the library didn't update and send a notice to my subscribers. When that happens, I'll post a little note letting people know.

The liking thing. I do like my own work. I worked hard to create it. Showing that I support my own work isn't a bad thing. Having said that, I'd always blush when I first started doing it. I put myself out there, and that's scary. After awhile it became a badge of courage. sort of like saying, "My story is worthy of my like." As artists we're well known for picking apart our own work. It's my way of building my own confidence. Funny thing, it really has helped me.

Now, if you're using bots to add a bunch of likes and subs, THAT is wrong and skews things.

I subscribed my own stuff out of convenience, but I'm not confident enough to like it all. xD

I personally don't because I feel it's somewhat conceited and messes with the reader data.

I don't like my own stuff but I subscribe because I want to make sure it's...actually notifying people. Tapas is in a weird puberty period right now and it feels like it keeps operating funny so...just double checking to make sure it works.

I dont do it on Tapas or other sites because it’s easy to find but I had to on Webtoon since I couldn’t even find it in the search bar, normally I don’t like to though because it just feels weird

same, its so annoying, I cant find my comic through its name and have to search my own name before getting it

I would advise against that as tempting as it is, just for obvious PR purposes.

"Oh here is an awesome looking comic. But nobody likes it...except for the author."