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Jan 2021

HI all, I'm just curious if you tell your family or friends that you are doing comic?
I'm sure famous or success one does.
I'm new with this, and my comic is far from success, so, I keep reluctant to tell or promote it to my offline friends or family. I'm not sure it will gonna help the promotion, since not everybody like to reads.
I'm bit scared too about what they gonna think since I'm not young anymore.
Just imagine if your mom/dad who you know, never draw in front of you suddenly tell actually made a comic online.
something like that. I'm sure it more easy when you are young.
What do you think? Anyone tell people and what the effect to your comic?
I especially want to hear from you who not young anymore like me, and for you who still young, I want to know if suddenly you hear that your mom/dad made a comic from family member perspective?

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Hey! I'm not super young and I'm making a (far from great) comic.
There are a few in person friends who share similar interests that I've shared it with, but as far as family and most people I know and work with? They don't really have a reason to know about it. It's more fun as a sort of secret hobby rather than a source of stress.

Oh yeah, quite a few of my family members and close-to-kinda-close friends, as well as family friends and such know that I make comics. I've been drawing since I was young so it was never a secret, but I didn't start working on my first "serious" (i.e. with a plan and the drive to finish it beyond like 5 pages) comic until age 23.

For me it's less about promotion, and more just that I like talking about my hobbies with people~ Not everyone is equally interested of course. For example, most of my semi-immediate family knows that I make comics, but I don't write genres that they like (and they aren't comic readers, anyways) so they're supportive of my hobby but don't typically ask about it and that's fine. Most of the chit-chat is reserved for my close friends.

One thing that surprised me though was the amount of people who would silently read the comic from my Facebook art page lol. That's the platform where most people that I know from College and earlier follow my work, and my posts very rarely generate comments or likes. However sometimes I would be at a party or event and run into some friends or acquaintance that I don't see or talk to very often and a surprising amount of them would say "oh yeah, I've been reading your comic. It's awesome!" Very flattering, and I was always like "wow really, thanks!" but it was just shocking to learn how many people will interact with posts on social media without actually leaving any engagement :sweat_smile:

Oh, that's good for you. I consider you are lucky enough to have friends with similar interests.
I don't, or I don't really know. I told to one of my best friend, she reads but not comic, but then she make account just to be considerate. I kinda have mixed feeling after that. lol
Yes, indeed, this is secret hobby.. :smile:

I haven't just shared my comic art with friends and family, I've also put it on display in local art shows. My town is a major art and music hub in the area, and some of my friends have managed art galleries where I've shown my stuff.

yeah, when I was young I did like to draw, until high school something happened, then I'm stopped drawing.
One of my classmate who really2 good at drawing kinda insulted my draw. I was young and my mentality not strong yet.
At that time I though I have no talent and I should stop. It's long ago, when you use your HP only for called or sms.:smile:
SO, yeah, when I know we can draw digitally with pentablet some sort, I kinda have this strong urge to try draw again and finally have the opportunity during this pandemic.
Social media I only made instagram for now. Thats one thing that I really want to tell my offline friends. At least they can follow me in social media, even not read the comic. :sweat_smile:

My husband, who is the writer for our comic, emailed it to all our friends pretty early on. I kind of died inside at the time LOL but it actually helped me start getting over cringey feelings I had about my own work and move on to being less self-conscious.

Some of them follow it and are very supportive, so that's really nice.

I only told people who I see fit (for being a potential audience, being a potential critique, or being tolerant about the theme)
For my current project (a novel) I almost don't tell anyone. So far I don't think it will interest any people I know, and might contains themes that is not widely accepted here.

I also would like to detach my creative life and my real academic/professional life. Internet is my major outlet, I have no support in real life.

Yea, I've shared it with my closest family friends and new friends who are also into art. They're all really supportive so I'm grateful for that!

Hm, not quite... I don't really tend to tell people about these kind of things...

I'm planning to tell some people later on. Only some of them, though; I want to tell people who share the same interest with me, or if they ask me themselves. Plus, I only have a few close friends, haha... I don't think it's quite necessary to tell people who aren't really interested. As of now, I'm currently just a new and small novel author! I'm also planning to separate my online life from my personal life, so...

If they are interested in small press/independent comics or webcomics, I tell them.

I want to talk about writing a comic with my friends, and I know they'd be cool with hearing about it. A few might even encourage me to finish it or show them stuff ahead of time! And my parents, well.. I can see myself getting a lecture for not making it Christian or making too dramatic lol but either way, it's something I feel I should avoid talking about for now tbh

I've announced quite a few creative projects in the past to friends, and fulfilled almost none of it. Real talk, it's got nothing to do with their opinions. I know that if I start talking about it and hearing feedback immediately.. I'm just gonna lose interest in making whatever it is that I'm making.

There's this idea that talking about your goals before arriving there can trick some people's minds into mentally feeling rewarded for something unfinished, and with that reward comes the feeling of completion. I.. actually relate to that a lot. So I try not to talk about it at all, just to stay creatively driven. I've made a rule of not announcing anything creative until it's mostly done or to only post something as soon as it's finished

Oh yes, pretty much everyone around me has at least heard of my comic or other artsy stuff I do. This includes my family, friends, students, supervisor, etc :grin: Chances are, if someone has small talked with me, then they probably know I draw a comic.

This is quite opposite of how I was in my teens and 20s, where I would even hide my drawings from others. At some point, I probably got so busy with other things in life, that worrying about insecurities or other people's opinions became irrelevant. Besides, even if not perfect, I like the stuff I create.

Hey, that's really cool that you're getting back into drawing again tho :smiley: The pandemic has definitely been a bummer in some ways, but I think it's been an opportunity for a lot of people to either rekindle old hobbies or try new ones!

I definitely agree though, being outright about it with your IRL people definitely isn't for everyone. It works well in my case, but I don't think there's anything wrong with being a little more private about it either~

I’m posting it on my insta too, which all my friends can see.
I thought that at best people just wouldn’t care about it, but actually I was really pleasantly surprised by the amount of friends that I thought wouldn’t be at all interested who messaged me and left comments about how much they were enjoying it!
Like someone else already said, it’s a good way to get over that cringe feeling where you don’t know if you should be making what your making! If they’re good friends then they will support you even if it’s not completely to their taste, and if they’re not then their opinion is unimportant!

First time I told it to people was when I was 8.
I never wanted to be popular or anything, it´s just something which is
a part of me, I´m a 24/7 artist. I write stories and songs, I draw comics,
I play instruments, I record, mix and master music, I design. I´m not interested
in other things and so it´s natural for me to talk about it when I meet people
when they tell me about their jobs, relationships, hobbies, houses, their dogs,
income, what they like to eat and drink and where they will spend their vacation

Aaah, I don't really tell anyone unless they're into it, like my friends who still actively read and write themselves. I might occasionally put a link up on my socials, but if I were doing a more er, sexy comic, they'll never know about it hahaha!