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- Nov 18, '20
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- May 3, '22
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- Jun 4, '22
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Damn, these things are so messed up! [:cry_01:] * hugs everyone *
My first love was when I was eight years old... She was my young and beautiful teacher! I can't remember much about her now that I'm older, a part from her name being Adelle, and she had blonde hair. All that remains is my feeling of having a huge crush and being star struck the first time I saw her…
I saw better engagement when I was uploading two pages a week as you can capture a different audience on say a Wednesday as compared to a Sunday for example, plus it keeps the reader more willing to check in on the comic if they know there is a consistent upload schedule... But I had to stop due to …
I think just having any type of LGBT+ character counts. If you're putting it as your sub genre I don't think there will be a problem, but if it was your first I guess I'd expect the story to revolve around the theme. That's what I think anyway!
Well it's only a sketch but still [image]
I like both, but I tend to draw/write BL more because I guess being a more masculine person I can relate more?? Or at least I used to, I'm more into more complex LGBT+ comics now rather than specifics. For example, the main character in my current story is NB in appearance but likes him male anatomy…
Check in! Finished and emailed! [:tapa_pop:][:supicious_stache:]
Phew! I've gone through pretty much everyone on this list and have seen some beautiful projects!! Looks like my reading list is going to get bigger soon. [:sip:]
Well, here is my comic too, I might as well join in!! I'm going to try and help out too~
There will always be a special place in my heart for Axel from Kingdom Hearts. But of course Zack Fair is my actual favourite.
So happy this is coming back around for another year!! * signs up *
Hello hello hello! I am also a queer person and I'm from the UK too! (What area are you from out of curiosity?) Here's my comic~ Lots of LGBT+ characters, the main being and androgynous non-binary person! Pleas enjoy~~
The video delighted me to no end, it was hilarious!! Not a fan of his kind of music, but my husband likes it so it's all I'll be hearing about for the next year or so. For extra context, I didn't like the WAP song but because he was obsessed it was all I heard for mooooonths!! Good for Lil Nas tho…
I'm just a sucker for romance and even though a lot of BL is cliché, sometimes it's nice to enjoy nice things without a need for big brain thinking!
Well, I'll throw mine into the mix! Twitter: https://twitter.com/SilusComics Insta: https://www.instagram.com/si.meadows/ (Mostly personal, but I throw some art on there occasionally!)
Well don't feel like you have to rush or anything because I was the time waster hahaha!
Eek, I'm such a bad person, I'm sorry!!! [:blusht:] I finally pulled together some sprites from the comic!! These are the current main four characters so I hope this will help!! [image]
Oh of course, how silly of me, haha! I will whip a little something up to help when I get home from work! [:blusht:]
Oh, I didn't even think of that haha! Uum, I don't really mind, I guess you could draw one of my characters? How about someone from this one as it's a more fun comic (though it's on hiatus haha)
Oh wow, jeez I wasn't expecting to win when the other entrants were so good! Thank you!!
Love Bjork. Not got a favourite album, but for sure have a favourite song.
I'm waiting until I feel my art level is where I like it before doing my real passion project. I made up a different series to practice with instead that is not as long or deep in the meantime. I'll never give up on my real passion! I hope this helps!
[image] This is Makoto! -He is 17 years old. -He likes wearing dresses but doesn't like wearing underwear. -He works out and knows karate. -He has a terrible singing voice but still likes to sing. -He can only draw stick men.
Ah, I also grew out of anime. I think it's part not having any time, and part these shows are for sure aimed at teenagers and I just don't relate to them anymore. I don't mind watching OVA's and films like Ghibli, but when I think of say, catching up to One Piece, it's just never going to happen! I …
My comic is actually a bit of a love letter to the BL manga scene so it's got a lot of your typical BL centric themes haha! The main character is called Makoto who enjoys wearing dresses and looking like a girl, but is very much happy being male! He's a bit of a shit who likes to play up to how peo…
My batteries arrived!!! [:cry_02:][:tapa_pop:] [image]
Desperately needing the bathroom?
I do prefer the watercolour one, but as others have said I think it would depend on what kind of setting you're trying to create for your story. Watercolour would be lovely for a romantic or nostalgic comic, no so much a high adrenaline spy thriller, y'know?