8 / 24
Aug 2020

There are some flash fictions that I wrote based on my dreams. They're literally what happens in the dream. Does that count? :thinking:

Hang on, they're not on this site so I need to upload them here first

I have inserted some small moments of my life into my novel (some of them I shouldn’t admit for legal reasons...), but no, I have never been kidnapped by magic spies and taken to a realm based on my childhood bedtime stories. Not yet anyways. :joy:

I just draw about my daily life. It is a boring life of a highschooler

A lot of event and characters in my story are based on real life of me and my friends.

I wrote Bardsong because when I had a really low breaking point in my career, I had a great opportunity to ask one piece of advice from an industry veteran that I really looked up to. Their answer was so basic and tone deaf that I felt...basically abandoned at that point. Completely hopeless. It took a lot of thought to recognize that not only did they know basically nothing about my situation (and therefore couldn't help me) that the answer I was searching for was one I would have to answer on my own. Some things you just have to find yourself.

So I took some of that experience and put a bunch of dragons in it with this bard who really isn't like me at all--but instead more based on people I see losing their minds on art twitter. But, a teeny tiny bit of that one conversation that actually happened to me is in there.

Our story is completely fantasy, but is heavily colored by current events. The protagonist gradually loses his faith in his country, after seeing its horrors, and I feel like that's been informed by our own experience as Americans. Its a product of our times, I just hope its not so topical that it becomes irrelevant. I think it will still stand on its own but people may see the DNA of our current times in the writing.

Some of my older comics are based off of conversations I've had before, like "Ocean" and "Air-sipping." Nowadays I don't do that because I've run out of funny conversations that are able to converted into comic form. Now my comics consist of ideas and puns when I'm feeling lazy. If you want to read it, just click my profile.

I use events in history as inspiration.

One of the subplots in Trapped by the Mafia is based on the epic quarrels between the Este brothers in Renaissance Italy. I change things up, so it is a girl who gets her eyes slashed, not the base-born brother, and the time they spend in the dungeon is far, far shorter than 60 years, but overall, yeah, I very much thought of that story when I was writing.

My upcoming webcomic will have the main character have unilateral hearing loss ( half- deaf) just like me ,
she'll have a hearing aid in one ear.
I won't address the issue in the first chapters, but when the character will open up about it and talk about the experience
to other characters

Each of my webcomic strips are based on these things:

  • What happened in real life (just like my episodes 1 and 3)
  • What could've happened in real life (just like episodes 2, 4, and 5)
  • And what didn't happen in real life but I think might've happened in real life (just like episodes 6, 7, and 8)

Episode 1 is based on the experience I had when I took a multiple-choice exam. Wasn't able to pass that exam because of the "no erasure" rule. Episode 3 is based on the time when I was writing down lecture notes, but I ended up not using it because of my handwriting. :sweat_02:

Well, I definitely wasn't bitten by a werewolf when I was eight. And I don't have any brothers, I didn't attend private school, and I've never had to come to terms with the fact that my mother's being haunted by a very clingy ghost... but I have been told that Hannah resembles younger-me in certain ways (mostly her strong opinions and the degree to which she is stubborn).

That really surprised me, because I'm a pretty definitive introvert and I consider Hannah an extrovert, so initially I'd thought we didn't have a lot in common. But more than one person who knew me when I was Hannah's age have now said this to me. So I guess to some extent, we do write what we know. That said, I was never rebellious in the way Hannah is, nor have I ever been as brave or as impulsive.

My novel Vehementia isn't based on a true story, but it definitely has some basis in reality. For example, the newest chapter that I'm releasing next week was actually inspired by a Youtube video I watched that discussed how reality TV like Jerry Springer and Dr. Phil exploit mental illness and trauma for profit without actually helping the people the shows were supposedly made for.

One of my novels, Road To Happiness is based off my own journey dealing with anxiety and depression. Obviously some things are made up or exaggerated, but the general idea is my own personal story.