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May 2016

Clearly they can't just be typed or written. And right now im working on two space ships blasting each other..which ive never done before... any tips ?

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    May '16
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    May '16
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I enjoy checking out old comics for sound effects. in comics shops you can often pick up cheep old comics that are great for reference. and some comic shops have a box where they put non perfect comics that you can buy for next to nothing.
Comics of the 80's like 2000 ad have some great sound effects.

if your space ships are using lasers you need some sonic sounding noises like Vadooom!
I write theses in a font that can be filled in with extra color such as agent orange. to to that you need to write it and re size to how big you want it. duplicate layer, ratazise bottom text layer and add color. then combine the two layers and your all set .

My advice is the same I give about everything you can't do well. Copy everyone else's.

Here's an example of sfx from my comic

How I handle it is i sketch it out 1st, then I refine my letter shapes, and I finally finish up the lineart

A comic that I think handles sfx wonderfully is Warp#763 It's a great reference for sfx!