2 / 7
Sep 2023

Hey, one of my biggest regrets is never downloading the old tapas media assets and now they're just undownloadable as far as I can find. Does anyone still have them? The old Tapas mediakit etc cause I'd love to have them for my personal use.

I know they're no longer part of brand identity or whatever but I don't care about that, just want them for myself.

  • created

    Sep '23
  • last reply

    Sep '23
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finding og assets seems to much tougher save for maybe googling tapastic mascot, tapas mascot or tapas mascot tapamon but finding hard ref sheets and like you mentioned the old media kit for tapastic is a bit tougher.

There may be a way to find it using internet archive but that depends on if the page itself was archived or if someone managed to find/create a snapshop (it'll also likely require backtracking to when the rebrand happened coz even i've kind of forgotten)

i will say i did find these two threads; one about the tapadog that contains the main tapamon's ref sheet and another about "tapamon lore" which contains some artworks of the other fellas



there's also this page from koolaidqueen, tapas current/former graphic designer, that has some design notes and assets for branding they did for the site and social media


not sure how much it helps but hopefully a good start

Awww man, I used to have the drive access to the old mascot contest that had all the Tapamon and friends, but I think they've cleared it because it's a blank folder ;_;