8 / 8
Apr 2024

Be wary of strange hum on April 5th! And If you develop unusual abilities as a result of hearing it, maintain social distance from people or you'll start an outbreak!

What date does your series start? And if you never had a date when do you assume it probably happens? Or if its set in a none-earthly plain of existence is there some system there that would give the impression of some sort of date?

  • created

    Apr '24
  • last reply

    Apr '24
  • 7


  • 318


  • 1


  • 4


My entire story takes place over one summer. Starts at the beginning of summer and ends at the end of summer. So roughly 3 months.

The events started at 7th March (of year 1588), although there is about one month timeskip after.

My comic August takes place sometime during thanksgiving break in 2001

Hadn't pinpointed the exact day, but it begins in early February, 2023...

Current episode (I'm assuming) is happening little over a month later (Springtime will be beginning soon)
...but there are green trees...in the Midwest...during winter...and no snow...

Yeah, I'm not good at this at all XD

My comic Karamador's pilot episode is set around late autumn of 20th age's 62nd year (in Karamador an age changes in turn of a century, so the year can also be said to be 2062). And the first proper episode after it around spring of year 63, and that's the year we have been on for all the story arcs so far.
It's set in a fantasy world by the way, in a reneissance- fantasy time era.

I have two stories. My novel starts on November 23rd, the same day I released the first chapter. The story more or less is following us throughout time, at least it did throughout the first book. It's lagged behind a little bit rn, so they are currently still in March of 2024.

My comic completely takes place in Winter, so I think it might still be in December of last year.