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Apr 2021

I have published my comic on that site, but I don't know how to use it
I registered a new comic and also I added an avatar
How do people vote for my comic?
And sorry for my horrible English ...

  • created

    Apr '21
  • last reply

    Apr '21
  • 4


  • 691


  • 3


  • 11


I use TopWebComics. I try to get people to vote for my comic by...

  • linking to it in all of my comic updates. I link to it in every update description. Tapas also lets you put a button that links somewhere at the end of all your updates, and you can use that for TopWebComics too (that's where I put my Patreon link).
  • making voting incentives. Incentives are pictures that people see after they vote for your comic. Some examples of incentives that I've seen are character designs, desktop wallpapers, phone wallpapers, and sketches related to their webcomics. I have a new voting incentive every month. You can add incentives by clicking "Manage Webcomic" and clicking on the "Incentives" button below the banner. (I don't know what the difference between "Incentives" and "Bonus Incentives" is, though...)
  • linking to it in my Discord and on social media. Every time I update, I post it on Twitter. At the bottom of my Twitter posts, I also add a link to TopWebFiction and say, "Vote!"
  • I also vote for the comic myself!

My comic isn't that high up, but I've been getting more votes and more views every month. Sometimes I advertise on the site, which has also been helpful.

Good luck...!

(Also, I don't think your English is horrible!)

Owwww Thank you so much! :heart:
I had many doubts about TWC but your answer has helped me a lot :grinning:

Also, don't forget to turn on your comic as Active every month, it allows you to show up in two of the top lists.