13 / 17
Sep 2021

The title is pretty self-explanatory but for the sake of a little more context:

Graveweaver said in a twitch stream once that a webtoon that updates 3 times a week has a good chance to gain readers (comparatively) very quickly (provided the author can put up with comments complaining about episodes being too short).
I'm currently doing this with my upload schedule. I've been posting for less than a week so I can't really comment on its effectiveness myself but I was just curious if anyone else has tried this and has any thoughts or insights?

Also here's my comic 'cause self promotion

  • created

    Sep '21
  • last reply

    Sep '21
  • 16


  • 1.1k


  • 17


  • 14


  • 21


Hi. I too post twice a week. For me it's been quite effective. Also depends on how long your story is so.
Here's my novel.

Well, when I first started I was able to update my comic4 once a week but I had to switch to twice a month (with the occasional bonus episode) because I couldn't keep up. I'd say I did get more readers doing the first schedule, but like I said I had no way of keeping up with it, since I didn't want to go on any kind of hiatus. I'd just recommend doing whatever kind of schedule you can keep up with, you'll still gain readers, but at a slightly slower pace.

It depends a lot on what kind of webcomic you're making. Does having short episodes compromise the reading experience? If not, that kind of upload schedule is fine. But if it does, those short episodes can harm you in the long run, as that kind of update schedule can turn readers off. Yours may become the kind of series that they binge once every few weeks, rather than read on update day. This is bad for engagement.

I switched from one episode a week to one episode every two weeks, because my comic absolutely needed more length to the episodes to be properly immersive. Even longer would be better, but I've found a workable balance for now. Each episode I release gets the overwhelming bulk of its likes and views on release day, which is exactly what the algorithm likes to see.

And my readers feel like they get something out of a single episode, which is why they tend to read it so soon after it's posted.

Yes. Very yes. I recommend posting twice a week at least. Posting once is a very big gamble. The only way that works is if your story is exceptionally good and people don't mind waiting. And even then, updating frequently especially if you only post one or two pages per update is a must.

Hi. I too post twice a week. For me it's been quite effective. Also depends on how long your story is so. This is my work. I'm sure you'll love it as soon as you read it. If you like it, don't hesitate to subscribe.

I think it can definitely help early on, but I wouldn't put too much stock in it. Many, maaaaany popular comics have got where they are updating only once a week, some even less. It can certainly help, because people are on the site at different times of week, it gives you more chance of getting someone new. I'd also recommend if you're going to post more than once a week, try different times using scheduling to try and reach people in different timezones too.

I seriously don't know how to write and post multiple stories weekly. It costs me too much time writing just one short. You guys are amazing.

Having enough regular content where someone wants to sub or keep tabs on it is still the game we're all playing, if you want to see regular engagement on it.

In any event, I've gone from posting 6 days a week to 3 days a week.

And in the past I've gone from 3 days a week to twice a week, to once a week to once every few weeks. The trick is finding an update schedule you can post good content consistently.

Unless you're getting paid or have an unmissable deadline, don't work yourself up too hard. Improve at your own pace. Comics is a marathon. They call 'em, "ten year overnight successes" for a reason.

I post twice a week but im novelist , just make sure not to update once in a blue moon because it can (and will) cause readers to leave your work (i myself saw that on webtoon with semi-popular canvas comics).
Don't overwork yourself, when you have time make few episodes in advance and schedule them for later.

Mmhh I'm posting one a week, but maybe I should post twice a week? I think I'll try that and see how it works.

Posted one page each 3 days for 1,5 months. Feedback stats were significantly up, but that can be attributed to an increased amount of postings. In terms of subs, it did above previous month, but not so much.

I updated my Comic once a week, but due to a few difficulties I will have to go on Hiatus, and trust me, It's slow even this way, just do it the way you more are comfortable with, and it will be worth it anyway!

TITLE: Stories from the Golden Garden
GENRE: Fantasy, Sci-fi Drama

From the nights He used to spend by reading tales of "the Dreamers", the young Alfredo Ventura always longed to be one of them as well, unaware of the Potential that resides in his Echo, that could change the lives of those around him, whose Stories, connected to His, are the KEY to bring changes to the World of Gaia, and lead to its peace once and for all.


Enjoy your stay, Have a nice day!

Update as often as you can finish your pages. Start slow at first, maybe once or twice a week, and then adjust it when necessary. The more practice you get, the better, faster, and more efficient you'll become.

It also helps to do a few pages in advance and build a buffer of scheduled updates. It's much easier to have a few pages ready to go than to rush to finish the next page the night before it's due.

I've just changed my schedule. I was posting once a month, now I'm posting once a week. I heard it is easier to be more noticed this way cause you'll appear more often on the fresh section

Well, I can't say that what he said doesn't hold water. I upload every Sunday and I managed to get a good follow. The question at hand is weather the creator is willing to be able to upload more times then usual. With that said, the series itself should be well-crafted and be engaging with the fanbase.