1 / 16
Oct 2020

I have experienced an interesting situation.

I have this comic set as main series:

And I also have this one (which is not set as main series), which is more popular, judging by numbers.

In October an update of "2-Men-and-the-Sea" peaked at 1.5k views and landed on trending page and still can be found there despite no further update, but when I updated "Going Up" almost daily and got over 4.2k views each day from 18th to 23rd of October peaking at 4.8k the comic wasn't on trending or popular.

Why it is? I am not complaining about not getting there, I just want to know why my own comic who has less in terms of numbers gets trending, but the other which does better doesn't? How system works?

My only assumption is that comics that are not main series get excluded, but I can't confirm that. What are your ideas about this?

  • created

    Oct '20
  • last reply

    Oct '20
  • 15


  • 971


  • 12


  • 16


  • 2


I didn't know there was a main series option, I'm going to have to check that on mine :thinking:
As for trending, from my observations over time, trending rewards high interaction to low sub ratio. Popular is more about engagement volume but is super competitive with the big titles in there. (which is why you don't see them in trending usually)

Not sure about trending. I can only see my two novels in the popular list. Both are in popular and while my first book is dropping, the second one is there. they have had a month where they were nr 3 to 5 both. switching places.
Trending only has my book thats been updating.

In reards if views and likes they're doing similar at the moment with the new book being my 'main'

I had to hunt for the main series button and it's the ... on the dashboard page.

Seirously? a "..." is how I make it a main series?

Random question, once you've added one series to main, can you remove it or change it to another story? Since I currently I don't have the option. Does it mean I've to publish the rest properly before it's possible?

Disclaimer: I'm not Tapas staff or anything but I've been here a few years and this is how it works to my understanding.

Ok so, your Main Series can be set using the ... on your dashboard. You can only have 1 Main Series and you can change it at any time. Making a series your Main removes this from whatever series was you Main previously. This is the series used for Ad Rev and ink. This is the series' numbers that count to unlocking those miles stones. As far as I am aware, it has no impact on trending or anything else

Trending, does not depend on sheer numbers. It depends on numbers at speed. Essentially, from the moment you update, how quickly do view/comments/subs come in. If you get 10 comments in 1 minutes after you update that's better than 100 comments in a day. Sorta. It's about your speed not numbers. That's the Popular section. And that's why it often skews to lower sub pieces with high engagement. Trending also, as far as we can tell, works on something or a ratio so low subs with high engagement have a higher percentage than high subs with the same numbers of comments/likes at the same speed. It's all just complicate algorisms.

I don't believe so. My novel "Barely There Cruelly" was not ever set as a "main" series and yet has been on the Trending page before.

I think "trending" is limited to how much action the material has gotten within 12~24 hours, and if it continues, or lowers within that time period. If it continues, it stays up there on Trending, and somehow will move to Popular(?) If it diminishes, then it drops lower on Trending until eventually falling off.

Setting a series as your main series just puts it at the top of your dash for quicker access as far as I'm aware and does nothing else. (I have 8 titles)

@HGohwell: I believe Tapas automatically calculates one's sub numbers for unlocking support and ad rev regardless of what is set as one's main series.

My mistake then. It's just always reflected the same number as my main series on the milestone measuring thingy so I assumed that was what it counted.

Maybe what happens, if it’s your top series, people who check your profile, are more likely to check it out, read and like a chapter