38 / 42
Feb 2021

Oh geez this compilation may filled with manly bull testostirone :grimacing:

All I could thnk of is Ermintrude the cow from Doogal.

Hmm It's getting harder to find more characters, I only need 8 more to get to 50 characters. :smirk:

Character name is Cowey I think, I just looked up the name :sweat_smile:
the only think I could find that I thought looked good from that ad

Good pic hunting! :+1:
What's the URL? this picture is not actually transparent.
(Nevermind, it's easy to extract in PS. Thanks again!)

Alright, i got over 50 characters now, time to work on the compilation!
Thanks everyone who helps!!

Buffalo Bull & Buffalo Bell, mascots of Orix Buffaloes baseball team (Japan)

(low pixel,edited)

closed Feb 13, '21