186 / 2279
Mar 2021


I just started Tapas about a week ago. I used to upload my novel somewhere else, but I might as well try new things.

I hope anyone would give my series a read. I know it's all a bunch of words, with no pretty visuals, but since I can't draw well, all I have is a keyboard, my fingers and my cluttered head.

If you like anime-ish stuff, my novel's pretty much my personal spin on shounen titles I used to grow up with. Give it a whirl, if you'd like. Maybe the first 3 chapters (6 episodes).

Thank you if you've read this so far. I wish you a lovely day.

Check out my comic about the office life of a demongirl who misses up all the time and her boss who has to deal with her mess.

Hello, good day. Love the opportunity and vibe. Thank you very much. I will definitely check out your work. I also some interesting ones along the thread that piqued my interest.

My first novel is an LGBTQ+ futuristic action fantasy type. It's at the ninth episode currently. I would love any feedback and commentary. Please feel free to check it out if you wish. Hope you enjoy if you do!

Hello <33 Happy Saturday!

You may check all my work, is poetry. Here are the links
all are updated daily!

This is like my personal diary:

One Poem A day

An epic poem, my main novel:

When Death meets Chaos

I hope you check it out and might like it and perhaps sub

NOTE: to all authors who sub I usually sub back <33

The cover for your book is just stunning! I added it to stuff I definitely want to check out soon, i like to read on the bus haha

I also left Tapas bc i was so afraid to put my stuff out there, but I am back now, with a new comic about best friends and ghosts:

Welcome back! Way to kick that self doubt in the butt.

So, here are my stories. "Godswater" is a fantasy novel, while "Project: Achilles" is a superhero comic. "Godswater" has a lot more up as of right now.

i am fearless

Hi!! Everyone is welcome to view, subscribe, and like my novel :heart_exclamation: I will do the same for you :innocent: This is the link for my novel 'Meet you at sunrise':smile:

Hi everyone! I know almost everyone here publishes on tapas, but here's my webtoon series. I just go on the tapas forums because it seems like a nice community to expand my series and connect with people on. Anyways, my series is called "Colors of Love". I'm trying to get to 50 subscribers, and I would really appreciate it if you guys liked, subscribed, or even shared it with others. Thanks!

Just updated yesterday! Always open to feedback. :sunglasses:

Thank you for the opportunity!
Well hello folks. My name is J.C. Addy and I am finally posting a story I had in the works for a while. I'm a bit shit so enjoy as you may.
Title: Weight of Sin
Genre: Fantasy, LGBTQ+, Action

Thank you for this. This is my new series, a fresh and original take on Dark fantasy and Action-Adventure genre. Do give it a read, if you're looking for something engaging and intelligent.

Hello all!

I would like to promote my story. It is a fantasy/romance, with lot of action and mysteries. I would love to hear some feedback!

Hello hello! I'm going through and subscribing so I can check out everyone's work! 🖤
Here is my novel if anyone is interested. I would love some feedback!

Thank you!

Here's my webcomics and welcome to tapas.

Okay, I do parkour so I might be biased (I'm a beginner and haven't been able to train for a year bc pandemic though T_T) but I'm really enjoying this comic so far. Makes me wanna get up and exercise again.
Oh, and I love the premise and enjoy the art and story ofc. :smiley:

This is mine.

here's mine, it's an ongoing nuzlocke comic, currently being scheduled!