76 / 80
Apr 2021

Welp! It's true, but then immediately satisfying when it pays off! :blush:
Here are my novels:

This is my BL novel about some ghosts! One of them has a bone to pick with the other :wink: hahaaa okay I'll see myself out

Here's my comic!

It's about two siblings whose summer vacation starts with the mystery of a stranger who ended up in their own backyard. It has similar vibes to Gravity Falls, so if you liked that, then you might want to check my comic out!

Hi guys! Thanks for the thread, i just started to promote my comic, finger crossed for everyone!

Hey everyone here is my comics that i update every friday.

I hope you will like it

Statistically there must be someone out there in the world who would love your comic as much as you do, likely several someones, so don't stop seeking them out.

On that note, if anyone thinks they'd like a character-driven story about gods and humans interacting and a formerly human boy coming to terms with recent godhood and immortality and how it's not all Great, maybe you'd enjoy my comic.

I feel the same, and now with work sometimes I'm just too exhausted to promote consistently.

Just recently got my first milestone of 25 subscribers on one of my comics and 10 subscribers away to the milestone on my other. If anyone like Sub to Sub just let me know.

KIRA: A Star Wars Story Part 1

Geeking Around: The Webcomic

Here are a few of my novels for everyone to check out

Here are my others..

Here is my comic!

I know how you feel, promoting sucks. I hardly ever do it, because it feels so sleazy, but I would love for more people to read my stuff.

I know that feel, I haven't been promoting in a while. However, I'll go on a promotion spree today and share my pride and joy, Menmar, with you!

Hope you Enjoy!

8 months later