10 / 11
Jul 2024

Wait, I’ve actually been wanting to do this for a while- now I have an excuse to do so…

Y’all… tell me why this low key made me emotional.
This first one is a redraw of my first ever Sadie piece🥹 she was originally 16 and no pointy ears.

This is Sadie’s most up to date design. She is now late 20s (I’m vague on purpose​:wink:) and less… cheery

This fr makes me want to add a bonus character where I can sneak in Sadie’s original design​:sob: my girl grew up with me

I didn't think Friar's design had changed much(just drawing style) but I forgot that one of Friar's oldest designs had a rope belt and leg sashes, so I drew them.

(might color it later)

Vice versa? Well, again, designs don't change, but I drew two of my chars, Gallus and Bucky, in my old "funnies style" out of curiosity.

"Funnies" style example

Chars now:

Drawn in old style:

Much faster process, I gotta say :laughing:
Fun idea!

Original 1990s version of the characters of Wild Nights, Hot and Crazy Days (all characters in mid teens):

Rebooted version of the characters from when I picked up a drawing instrument for the first time in 25+ years, and the more refined version of those characters (all characters still in mid teens):

And one of the final images from WNHCD. The characters are older here (mid-late 20's) and my drawing/colouring skills have improved a lot.

Daecon as he was first imagined:

His hair was blue for the first part of the story:

Eventually his hair would be white (this is canon). As he grew into his new life he underwent some physical changes: His build became more muscular and his hair grew longer on the sides (he had a mullet before, now it's just long hair). This too is canon:

He started wearing his long hair in braids for a more tribal look, and at the same time I refined my drawing style into a rougher, sketchier look. This was done for medical reasons (I have very shaky hands and have difficulty drawing smooth lines) but I like the look better.

Recently I've been focusing on refining Daecon's looks further as I have rewritten the story. He still has blue hair at the beginning of the rewrite:

...and this is my most recent drawing of him. His hair is white and in braids, his body shape is where it should be, and his eyes are now the colours they are in the rewrite (silver and gold).

Not sure how old I was when I drew the original,
but it's young enough that this notebook makes me cringe so hard.

I wonder what the symbol on his back means...

Old Strawberra

Redraw of old Strawberra

Current Strawberra

I may end up giving her another redesign in the future. Her outfit looks a little similar to Yes! PreCure 5 GoGo

@Rai_Muffin The symbol looks like it was supposed to be 炎 honoo or flames