24 / 24
Feb 2021


I started posting there again about a month ago! I really hope the activity there will pick up now that registrations are open to all. :tapa_pop:

Take your bets on how long it'll be take before I abandon this site like I did Instagram and Tumblr!

I need to get back to posting my art on my pillowfort, but I'd love to follow more webcomic folks!

Let's see how this thing works. I give it a couple of years before money and popularity will corrupt them as well and force them to change the terms of service...

But for as long as they are not yet corrupted, here:

Just made an account and I like the website. Glad you informed me about it.

But I could definitely tell its new...

mmmm...look at that magestic text cross into the great blue

It was built as a Tumblr alternative originally, and a lot of people wondered about migrating to it back when Tumblr decided to remove all adult content. This was 2018. But there were also questions around whether the site would be able to sustain itself, or the new influx of users back then. I don't think it currently has a dedicated team of developers. And if your screenshot is anything to go by, well.... :smile:

It's a great initiative, still. I would love to see if some of the users here come back with any kind of feedback on its activity and potential.

As a creator, I'm always looking at new avenues to grow my audience after all! ^^

I have one! ^_^

The things about sustainability is that if enough artists chose to move there it would be fine. It was like tumblr in the day when people were like DA is a trashfire now and then it became a thing.
Artists decide what sticks around.

I got in through a giveaway, so it's nice to see more people! But be careful with passwords and whatnot until a few updates are pushed out, there's a few glaring exploits visible now that it's open registration.

The site should be up in a couple of days according to their Twitter! The banners are probs not showing up atm cause they closed their site to the public and are working on stuff . It will probs show up again once it's back online :slight_smile:

This site better come back up soon... I was really actually gonna join it

They changed their error page to the Twitter text, and considering they have no ETA, it's quite a shame. But they did admit their staff is like 8 people, so slightly more forgivable - they're losing money as much as we wasted time.