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Oct 2019

Hey everyone!

I just wanted to let you know that, first and foremost, the doggos are here!

Secondly and sadly, I will have to put a temporary hold on our Emote Events. :cry_02:

So, while I’m away, please... PLEASE! Throwdown some suggestions here for our next emote event! Whatever your deepest emote wishes are, let them be known (As-long-as-they’re-SFW-and-completely-doable-because-the-emotes-are-too-tiny-right-now-for-mass-amounts-of-detail)! I’ll be reading each and every post and, so even if you don’t have any ideas now you can always bring one in later!

Thank you everyone!
I hope to be back soon!


  • created

    Oct '19
  • last reply

    Oct '19
  • 7


  • 1.2k


  • 8


  • 23


How about something like a blushing emote?
Or a rolling-on-the-floor-laughing-emote? I'd use that last one a lot personally.

They are all so great, thank you so much for all the new emotes! :cry_01:
I really miss this dorky guy from the old forum of mine, so I suggest something like this:

My most important wish has already been fulfilled with that crying waterfall emote :cry_02: but I'd also love a 'nothing to say' / 'Wait, what?' emote like :no_mouth: (At least that's what I'm using it for :sweat_smile:)

Idk if it's doable, but I'd love an emoji of the ojou-sama laugh... you know...