As a quick tangential pointer, you can't really rely on the 'fresh' section to accumulate subs anyway; very few readers ever search for new comics there. You may pick up one or two every now and again, but your best bet is to promote off-site. Getting to know other creators here in the forums is a good way to get eyes on your work, as well as participate in a friendly and helpful community. Beyond that, promoting as much as you can on social media, and also on subreddits such as r/webcomics, will help you reach more readers than the fresh section will.
The comic looks gorgeous so far, I love the combination of CGI models with the painterly effects overlayed. (I think that's what's going on, correct me if I'm wrong.) It's beautifully shot, nice angles, great lighting.
Best of luck!
Thanks for the helpful words Kaydreamer. I know you are right but unfortunately I am not able to use social media (and I rarely post in forums) due to anxiety so the fresh section is my primary means. Yes, I use 3D and photoshop.
To anyone else I would still greatly appreciate any comments on whether or not the episode needed to be labeled as mature.
Your comic is gorgeous. Already subbed it!
As a 'coincidence' the same is happening to my novel (also queer, also with romantic relationships later), when I mark it as mature. And in its case the mature content isnt even sexual, yet, it's mostly bitter/unpleasant themes, such as racism, that I mark so the reader won't get caught by surprise. This is very strange.
To me you could have gone without the mature content. Every body part stated in TOS is covered. Unless male nipples are also obscene, now.
Lots of people go to Fresh tab when they get bored of the same faces appearing in Popular. Maybe not in the same amounts, but there are many of them. Almost all of my readers found me in Fresh tab or by word of mouth, so Tapas shouldn't deny this chance (basically the only chance) for newbie authors to be discovered.
To trust in social media is a recipe to flop, they are already in decay and, unless you're an old big name with 500k followers, you won't make too far. It's like being a street musician in a graveyard and expect the deceased to spare you some change.
I know a lot of social media platforms are in decay, but I've had precisely the opposite experience to you - the majority of my readers before I got promo'd were from here on the forums, and from social media outreach. Mostly Reddit, and a bit from Twitter and Instagram. I didn't have much of a following on either platform, and most of what I did have were more interested in illustrations than webcomics.
Social media is all about jumping on trends and using the right hashtags to get eyeballs on your work. Just posting doesn't do much, you're absolutely right about that. It's about timing, and getting the official accounts run by Tapas and Webtoon to notice and share your work.
The point I was trying to make was not to place all of your eggs in a single basket so far as building an audience is concerned. Have a few different places you use to promote, use hashtags and @'s such as #Tapastry, #CelebrateCANVASDay, @Tapastry_TCC, and so-on, and schedule posts during the time the social media teams for Tapas and Webtoon are working.
Obviously, having your comic show up in Fresh is important! You're right, and I'm not denying that. Some people do use it, perhaps more than I think. But in the experience I've had, it's not as important as the other strategies I use.
(EDIT: Your comic looks gorgeous, by the way.)
Thanks Zugaikotsu. That’s helpful to know. My plan is to release a high quality comic and let it’s readership build overtime through the fresh section and word of mouth (and hopefully tapas recommendation when I have 10+ issues).
So I’m prepared to be patient but it is essential to me that the fresh section be the equal playing field for all that I feel it is portrayed to be (or have I misunderstood that). This is going to be hugely demotivating for me if the fresh section has hidden rules.
Every single episode I have released so far has appeared instantly. So this was not due to a flagging or anything like that. The system automatically decided not to show this episode in the fresh section and I want to know why so that I can understand how this works. So please moderators can you tell me what the rules are and how it works with the fresh section. Is it an equal playing field for all or not? Thank you.
I'm very happy it's been working well or you! Different strategies might work for different people, and this is awesome! Also, I apologize if I sounded like wanting to ditch social media strategies as a whole, the ones you suggested about the hashtags, @s and festive days are all very meaningful and helpful, specially if you have a 'treandeable', work, I won't deny this. And yes, never putting all the eggs in single basket shoud be the first commandment for content creators.
What mmakes me wary is this possibility of Tapas 'force' you to deal with dozens of strategies beside the work of producing content itself. Yes, I know indie creators should be prepared to do a lot more than "creating only", but at least the fresh tab sould be an equal ground, as Ghost Dog said. And hey, indie creators aren't even competing with premium, since you can choose premium or free to read.
Unless the problem is the 'mature' tag, and the algorythm is hiding them all thinking it will all be porn beforehand... then this is a whole new discussion, and I would need to collect more data about creators with mature episodes not appearing in fresh tab to have a deeper opinion.
Awwnn, thank you so much! BSR is gorgeous! Love the art and the concept of space piracy!
I really hope this is just a glitch and a coincidence, but you are the second person (or third) I saw in forums reporting the same issue. As I said to Kaydreamer, this would be a whole different discussion if the algorythm is trying to hide any mature content in fresh tab.
Yes, this happened to me THREE TIMES. Coincidentially, both in labeled mature chapters, in a NOVEL, where the TOS specifies you can go a little further with sexual content, per example.
I don't want to be the 'gotcha' dude, but if a fourth person appears... as they say, +3 is the charm

I’m thinking of just reposting the episode without the mature tag so I would really appreciate a moderator letting me know if they agree this doesn’t need the tag. I personally don’t think it needs one but I was playing safe as I don’t have a wide frame of reference.
Yes this is worrying if the mature tag is the delineator here. It seems it must be as that was the only thing different about this episode.
I would love an official clarification on whether or not the fresh section is meant to be a level playing field by definition/intention or is that just an ideal I’m projecting onto it.
Hi again,
So after the comic still not appearing after 16 hours, I tried reposting without the mature tag (as the only feedback I've gotten in the forum is in agreement with me that I didn't need it) and my comic is still not appearing in the website fresh section, so this seems to confirm the idea that my comic has been somehow 'hidden'. Can someone look into this please not only to get it unhidden but to give me an explanation of what caused this - as I need to know if I can rely on the fresh section or not. As I mentioned, I have anxiety issues and things working consistently and predictably is important for me. So if someone could help me sort this out I would really appreciate it. Thank you.
You and @Zugaikotsu already kind of hashed this out, but I wanted to just add my two cents here. I'd chalk up at least 80% of my growth to the fresh section (5K subs, so thats a decent amount of home grown growth, even if it's not "popular"), so at the very least, success may vary. I would guess being "on trend" genre ways makes the fresh section more effective, along with the obvious good thumbnail, etc. And Tapas mucking with Fresh's functionality and visibility obviously means mileage will vary.
*Not countering any good points about using other methods to grow. The more avenues one can tap into the better.