35 / 165
Apr 2021

Gravity Falls combined with a bunch more trauma and way more kidnapping

It's probably a bad idea to give a group of misfit adventurers any serious responsibilities.

Love isn't an excuse to take everything away from me.

Weirdos don't know how to effectively communicate their feels and wants and make a mess of everything in the way.

Really, that could had been the official title, now that I think about it.

Infamous assassin gets adopted.

Omegas go to therapy.

Local author having second thoughts about recent job offer.

Your high school history class didn't teach you this.

A potential murderer before 30

Drug trades and secret organizations

Turns out, the Gnostics were on to something.

Damn. My title basically explains most of it haha xD

Why is everybody running?

Supernatural beings throwing hands to find meaning in life

Hah, this sounds interesting...

Big bad dragon calms his titties when a flower crown gets put on his head.

Pretty kitties and mean ol' demons romp in the woods.

Nobody's got nothin', but everybody's working.

"You call that a con? THIS is a con!!"

tired girl blows herself up to an airplaneless-world