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Jan 2022

I really like when artists share their favorite comments from the previous episode. What other fun, clever, and creative way of encouraging engagement have you seen/done?

  • created

    Jan '22
  • last reply

    Feb '22
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People are pretty happy to comment when you unexpectedly advertise their work.

Something I do as a more mild thank you to my subscribers is pick out one of their works to advertise at the the end of each of my episodes; and while it wasn't necessarily the intention, some are happy to give a "thank you" comment for it. I also generally do it for works I enjoy reading.

ooh. Yeah, it warms my heart when creators, especially small ones, support each other's work

Holding them at a gunpoint so they'd have no choice but to

Usually by doing small fun thing they can participate or get input to, like Q&A or collaboration.
Making art request or art raffle too.

I am thinking if making a quiz with prize, with the questions being small details from the series, is a good idea or not.

I do fanart features. I always make sure to strongly feature the creator's name and the cover of their comic and to give a link to it in the description so that the features actually do give participants a small boost in subs (last feature people said it was about 5-10 new subs) to make it worth their while.

Other than that, rather than tacking on a question, I try to make sure when I plot and thumbnail pages that every update has at least something to discuss or joke about, like a new piece of information about the plot, setting or characters, a joke or some kind of big dramatic moment.

I sometimes do Q&As but I love the idea of implementing gift art showcases! I'll have to remember that for the future. :smile:

I plan on doing Q&A's that esets up a twist towards the end of my comic's first season that (hopefully) will turn out to be a complete mindfreak. Also hopefully will make people be like "Oh... dayum... we should participate in more of these Q&A's! Mindfreak us more PowerPlant. Oh PLEASE oh PLEASE".

That's right, we here a PowerPlant aspire to be Criss Angel.

Btw everyone should really check out the Tails Gets Trolled Discord server for how they do their stuff. Probably the most innovative people when it comes to creating engagement. I steal... I mean BORROW their ideas all the time.

1 month later

closed Feb 24, '22

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