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Mar 2021

Hey, guys! Tell me your favorite Podcast that talks about geek stuff. Like it could be about anime, comics, manga, video games, etc.

Here are a few of mine

Geeking Around:


Gaming With Geeks

How to Draw Comics

  • created

    Mar '21
  • last reply

    Mar '21
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Dirty Old Ladies,

They talk about what it's like to be in the comic industry through 3 levels of career types. Love it and it's super informative.

Thank you! When I read the part "holier-than-thou know-it-alls", I thought they may be like these newer generations of Anime fans, whose has that kind of attitude. But they seem like they are older generations or at least appreciate old anime.

You guys should check out trash taste. Its epic and the conversations feel organic .

Ive never really listened to any podcasts before. Maybe I will start now.

This is amazing! After listening to the first episode, I'm very excited that I only have another 9 years of being soul crushed over having no following. But honestly, this is a wonderful resource. Thank you.

Pat-pat homie :purple_heart:

Keep creating and learning, you never know what may happen between now and then. In the meantime make your work to the best of your abilities :wink:.

I think the definition of podcast has change over the years. Most of what people watches of YouTube, a lot of would say it's a podcast.

If you're interested in architecture and design, 99% Invisible is a well made podcast. It's so informative, and I find it fascinating :grin:

Pretty much just WebDM. It's really informative for people who want to run and host Dungeons and Dragons games. Some of the info is applicable to storytelling as well.
They've got a YouTube channel that's been around for way longer. It's not an actual gameplay type cast either. It's just solid information about DnD game mechanics and good ways to used them. It's pretty cool to hear from guys that have been playing the game since Second Edition.

Thank you! I always thought it would great to learn how to be an architect, but then I look at the cost of architecture school and said nope. lol

Awesome, thank you! This is a great idea for a YouTube channel. I myself don't play much of table tops games because the game mechanics and stuff can be very complex.