68 / 183
Feb 2021
  1. Series link: https://tapas.io/series/The-Cat-The-Vine-and-The-Victory/info2

  2. Logline: Puking fire isn’t normal, but Victory is soon to discover just how unordinary she is. Faced with the wrath of a dragon, being pursued by mercenaries and the cunning mind of an evil vixen, who else can she call upon to help her other than her sister, a pond monster and, of course, her pet cat.

  3. Quote: “We torment ourselves by thinking that we must face everything alone….but we don’t have to.”

Fantasy adventures have always been my favourite genre for books and comics alike, but I was often disappointed with the lack of strong female characters taking the lead roles. This was especially true when those stories included dragons. Being female and part of the LGBTQ+ community, I do my best to reflect those aspects of my life into my characters. I hope that it encourages other young creators to tell their own stories in their own voices.

Valmet jones an insecure teen trying to find herself, she is not strong, shes smart but not strong, why im submitting her for this... valmet knows she needs help example is in the short story welcome home


i think it takes a great deal of strength to know your weaknesses and to accept them, it takes strength to admit defeat and ask for help and to not blame others for your choices. she is not the perfect main girl that finds love, she found her love but that does not motivate her to move the story.
what defines her is the people around her gives her strength knowing she is loved by her father juneper and her boyfreind steven, that she can tell them she doing drugs to ease her emotional pain and they will help her when she feels the strength to say enough is enough.

strength is not defeating a villain, sometimes its as simple as taking that first step to being a better person. i want to create this series to show anyone can have strength to overcome and move forward in life.

our main series

i knew i could not make it alone despite me being an artist so it took strength to admit i can not draw a comic well enough to do it justice so i employed a team, we made team UWU, now its a perfect series made with the love and time of amazing artists whom i trust my series with, it has nothing to do with being a women, but everything to do with me accepting i needed help.


An inspiring/powerful quote that showcases the characters’ strengths (max 100 characters)

"ï dont regret anything that has happened until now papa, i thank you for everything we have, you take care of me, you feed me, you keep me safe and, thanx for that."Valmet, Welcome home

Series link:
Heroes Never Die2

Series logline:
Setrina has always wanted to be a real hero - just not one of the Heroes, the police force on Elarthe.
In a world where the definition of heroes or villains are blurry, our heroine will have much to learn about what it means to be a real hero.

Inspiring quote:

Setrina: "You're not getting away with this!"

Creating series as a woman:
One of my earliest exposure to comics was the shounen comics like DragonBall and Rave. I've had a liking to action comics with carthartic violence, and I don't see many women authors with that kind of work.

So here's my attempt to do such comics - along with including many kinds of women - the angry, the violent, the giant, the heroic and even the gentle. Where women just -are-, instead of being defined entirely by their role as love interests or as a rescue objective.

Genre: epic poem, romance, fantasy, sci-fi

Status: On-going posted daily

Each episode has less than 300 words and 2 illustrations.

When Death meets Chaos

Series logline: "-Chaos is born, and what a disgrace for the human race."

-Where did your father go?”

“-To the store, we played a game, and he lost.”

“-What game did you two agree?”

“-Truth or dare, and I won!!”

I'm a 36-year-old woman, I never let my gender or my "weakness" stop me. You can't do it! This is a job for a man! Opening a pickle jar, fixing the electric board. I have won in a field where most of my colleagues are males. So besides the monthly tampons, I have to buy, my femininity has never stopped me to go further. And that is exactly what will happen to Chaos. Regaining her crown for a usurper King.

1: :arrow_down:

2: When two people find their soulmate, all they want is to spend time together, but time is a curious thing—how they can be together if it shouldn't even be realistically possible? Because you see, time breaks everything apart.

3: “He couldn't bear the thought of losing... us. And neither could I... but I'm a coward.”

4: I think the web is the best platform to do feminist/feminine art and stories as a woman. I base my stories and characters to my own experiences as a woman, and this being said, Moments Between Frames is especially personal to me. Every story of mine has a female lead, and I never create female characters who aren't "strong". However, being strong has nothing to do with masculinity, but rather being a woman in the way you want. Soft and girly isn't a synonym for weak or conservative. Comic as my choice of storytelling allows me to uplift women in a realistic way visually and storywise. I want to create relatable woman characters from inside and outside. Beauty isn't one size fits all.

Series link:

After waking up with no memories Flare has spent the last few years trying to get any clue on who she is. Her draconic like appearance doesn't help either, but she refuses to give up. After a fateful meeting with a stranger, Flare gets the first clue that sets her on a journey to uncover her past, while also unveiling a terrible danger.

"I won't put people in danger for just one petty assh*le"

I've been reading all kind of stories since I can remember. Growing up as a girl the early 2000s means that, despite the slow change in media, I was expected to love princesses, dolls, and by default, stories where there's always one defenseless maid that need to be rescued. Welp, guess I never fit those expectations. I never had dolls, I had dragons.
Being like that when I was so small, it was only a matter of time that I grew into the person I am today. Don't get me wrong, I don't make comics because I want to defy the old status quo. I make comics because I love doing that. Just one thing, don't expect me to write any girl that can't fend for herself. Being strong doesn't mean hating men, not being feminine or I don't know, lifting 50kg with one arm. For me "strong" women can be vulnerable, soft, harsh, more feminine or not, the thing is that they won't let anyone tell her how to be a woman. And that's the kind of character that I aspire to write in my stories.

Hi, I'd love to take part in this.

  1. https://tapas.io/series/CUT-LOOSE3 (I suggest you start from https://tapas.io/episode/17994551)
    I am planning on redoing the first bits.

  2. "Lea is one of the main characters and has a personal vendetta which she is focussed on. Her friends try to be supportive and go along with all her plans to help her move on. To be on her A-game she takes all precautions and has a trip by a doctor for a regular checkup. It goes wrong when the side effects of a certain medicine aren't the regular ones. Slowly the characters notice weird changes. They feel as if they have gotten an ability but with major side effects. After some time they finally stumble upon a group that can help them and uses them to investigate the strange events happening in the current government."

  3. "Fawn standing over the body of her dead coworker: Men and their toxic masculinity, it's deadly around me."

  4. CUT LOOSE is a story that is based on the personalities of my friends and I. Everything that happens I run by them and they decide how the character reacts. This comic idea has been lingering in my head for years and at the end of 2019 I finally started posting.
    I often feel that only a certain type of character gets shown in male-written comics and it's mostly overly sexualized characters. What I find important is that all kinds of female characters get shown in different situations like being in power, handling trauma, having a weird but stable friendship.
    I love all my characters and hope you see the potential.


A wall divides the kingdom of Antras, separating its people into 2 totally different societies. Kaira, inhabitant of a chaotic, poor and lawless Antras, will live a day that'll change her life completely.

"Whatever happens today it will be better than my current situation."

I've always liked creating characters and giving them "a life", a story, and being able to translate that into a comic that everyone can read, being able to empathize, get emotional, even feel identified with those characters is great. And being able to bring diversity of any kind to these stories, being able to reflect the strength of women in an invented world is one of the things I like the most about making comics. Sharing what I like is the best thing about being a woman who draws comics.

  1. https://tapas.io/series/The-Knight-by-Pepper/info2

  2. "In a medieval world, a destructive force is about to drown every little sparks of life in the darkness. Only one chosen Knight would have the strength to fight the Evil."

  3. "Do what you want I don't care! I'll become rhe Knight no matter what!"

  4. Growing up as a woman I often was frustrated by the lack of representation of strong female character. It became such an annoyance that I preferred being the prince or the male hero of the story instead of the girly character. Why women could only be the love interested, or the weak one? I didn't see myself as such and didn't want to grow up like this, being a damsel in distress who the only option in life was to be a mother and a wife? That was plenty stupid, and of course it's still plenty stupid now. So I started creating story, with strong and complexe female characters. I want to show that women aren't just the trophy or boobs and butt of a story to look pretty on a cover. They have their flaws and strength and they sure can make great protagonist for any kind of story.

  1. When Life gives you lemons, you make lemonade--lots and lots of lemonade. The daily life stories of a girl who lives as she chooses.

  2. "I'm weird, not an idiot."

  3. I think it shows that anyone can make good stories. Everyone has an idea. What matters is whether they are willing to bring it to life for the world to see.



Phyllis, a twelve year old apprentice healer, befriends Marcus, a young Roman soldier, and soon gets him all wrapped up in her ploys to defend Mesmer, the school that might prove to be a better fit for him than it is for her.

(ongoing, bi-weekly updates, full draft completed, Historical fantasy)


“He thinks he can stop her. And I doubt that. I really doubt that.”


I’ve always had a love for stories dated back in time, but as a reader of historical fiction, the amount of abuse of female characters I’ve had to stomach has been harrowing. I also like to read banter and comedy, and find that female characters are often portrayed as the voice of reason in YA. Women tend to be written out of history, especially in stories set in the Roman Empire. With ‘Phyllis’, I aim to write them back in, and let female readers have fun in my realm while I am at it. After all, if you could force a mansplainer to hold his tongue, wouldn’t you be tempted to do just that?:wink:

I am a female creator! xox MJ

My Comic: The Alley Cat2

Logline: After a tragic break up with his girlfriend and the sudden disappearance of his beloved uncle, Hunter Shade struggles to put his life back together under the pressures of also being the local super hero, The Alley Cat. Will he be able to win back Caroline and find his missing uncle all while keeping his identity a secret?

My Leading Lady is Caroline Gates. A quote that showcases her strengths:
"Not only are you a wicked artist, but you have this charisma that makes everyone and their grandmothers love you. Not to mention your talents with a tennis ball - something I'll never understand."

Hello Tapas!
Making this series as a woman means a lot to me because it gives me the opportunity to represent my favorite characteristics and strengths about what makes a woman beautiful. My female lead show cases her beautiful feminine characters by having so much love, forgiveness, wisdom and both internal and external beauty. She is a strong woman emotionally, as well as physically! She has a lot of stamina from being a great tennis player, and she is also a talented artist and independently living on her own. I want to share the characteristics that I value the most in woman I know personally and that I look up to. I want to teach other girls to have all the love and forgiveness in the world for the people you care about...just like them.

"Yuna fancies herself a princess and lives alone waiting for the day her royal family finds her. Things aren't as they seem though..."

"Even when it rains the sun is so bright"

I created this short story to be a bit of a dark satire on fantasy tropes of the damsel in distress and roles of femininity in society as well as metaphor for not giving up on a dream even if its fruitless.

[LOGLINE :star:]

Shamed, belittled and considered inferior in every way- Princess Suren slowly drags herself out of the earth she fell upon and walks with her dimmed light to find the fuel to set herself ablaze for the sake of her people. As Suren's journey unfolds, many of her kin she finds suffer from the same treatment in the Jade Kingdom culture and she realizes its not just a mere prophecy coming down to end her species.

[QUOTE :star:]

“I wonder what would make Councilor Clemency think...”

And Suren turned to peer over her shoulder, and keeping her saccharine smile asked, “...that her blunt knives would ever land into my back?”


The main reason I began writing my stories and making my own art, was to let my own voice be heard without being silenced. I build my own domain, writing the story I need to be able to speak out loud so I can give myself healing and acknowledgment. Growing up, I was raised in a household dominated by male oppression and it left my family with emotional scars we still are struggling to heal from.

My novel Jade Kingdoms is my outcry to having that culture thrown back into the abyss it ever dared to crawl out from. It's why my main character is a woman with soft strength, because I refuse to be told that being soft and timid are weaknesses. They are strength, enduring is strength and just because a woman is soft doesn't mean she's incapable of being empowered.

Hearts of Gold and Blades of Steel

Series logline:
7 women of 2 mercenary groups are forced together after a monster-slaying contract goes awry, but not all the women are strangers to one another. Matilde and Eudora once rode together as sword-sisters and lovers; reunited they must find a way to work together and keep both their teams in check to survive.

Quote: “I’m no lady.” Matilde snorted, dismounting and handing him the reins of her large mount, Alina. “But you treat my horse like one and we’ll get along just fine.”

What this means to me as a woman:
Being able to share stories of women like me, when there has been a real drought up until now, is something I am very grateful for. I love being able to show women of all strengths/sizes/colours/sexualities/personalities/etc in my stories/series because women are more than a two-dimensional cardboard standee. As women, we have great stories to tell and I love being a part of that. My stories are for everyone, even if they mostly feature women. I feel that online series/novel/comic platforms have really opened up the floodgates for tales of women that don't always get shared in mainstream media and it makes me so happy to see them become more and more popular.

It is also Black History Month (Happy Black History Month & Happy Women's History Month, everyone!) so I'm going to nominate @surenlicious for both her comic & novel Jade Kingdoms. https://tapas.io/series/Jade-Kingdoms

Other women I'd like to amplify, from various backgrounds:

@sarahmassey998 - Prometheus Reanimated (novel): https://tapas.io/episode/1633712

@neidarous - Burning Tears (novel): https://tapas.io/series/Burning-Tears

@brilliiant - Artifakt (comic): https://tapas.io/series/Artifakt

@elisabeth_ist - Hannah, Not the Wolf (novel): https://tapas.io/episode/18396541

All of these creators are wonderful (many others above, too). I celebrate each of you and encourage all women everywhere, particularly creators of colour, to continue in your craft. You are so appreciated. You are also needed to change the world and face of literature to reflect the diverse tapestry of the human experience. The road may have some bumps, but you can do it. Keep shining!

DKFGJGKHJGFKLJHLG I just spat out my drink in joy omg, thank you so much?!?! :green_heart:

I just had to say that I agree with this 100%! :joy: I mean, why not wear the pretty dress AND drop kick the dragon? XD Love badass main characters ^_^

  1. Series link:
  1. Series logline - Young knyaginya Kalina Petrosinova grows up between two worlds - that of court life and noble responsibilities and that of magic, where she learns how to be a proper witch and handle those responsibilities. The older she gets the more she realises how hard it is to survive the clashes of them both. and having an older brother, ruling over the whole realm as a tzar, an older sister ruling over the family province and another sister proclaimed the most beautiful woman in the land, doesn't help either. And not to mention a family curse, a few loyal friends and an ancestral spirit who wouldn't get off her case... Which path leading to her destiny would she choose?

  2. An inspiring/powerful quote that showcases the characters’ strengths (max 100 characters) - This one still hasn't appeared in the main story but is one of my favourite ones: "...For had I been born a man, I wouldn't have come up with even half the wisdom I have as a woman...". The line is spoken by Bozhana Petrosinovaa, who is considered the most beautiful woman in the land and that is what most people choose to focus on her from all of her characteristics. The line is from a conversation she has with an ambassador, who says despite her smarts, it is a pity she was born a woman, because she couldn't use it, however, she corrects him.

  3. Tell us what creating series means to you as a woman in the webcomic/webnovel industry. - To be fair, that is a question that hasn't crossed my mind until now. I am lucky to be born in a place where there is no discrimination against artists and writers based on sex, as well as a family which encourages my love for literature, even though it is not my career choice. And to be honest, while my writing is a form of escapism, it is not from some bad situation at home, rather it is a dive into a world different from the one we are living in, a world and culture I want to share with people. Thus for me, to be a part of the webcomic and web novels community means that I am ready to share and become a part of the story the rest share. I also want to share that there are some traditions and mindsets we should preserve, while there are some we should let go if we want to have a better future.