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Mar 2018

Hi everyone,

This is my second attempt at the design of an ancient demon for my story

so, in my comic i will eventually introduce an ancient demon of pure evil. And after some feedback, i toned down a bit the design so it fits better with the tone of my story and to not make his design too overwhelming.

While my comic is a comedy, i want it to look badass, imposing and horrifying for comedic purposes because the main character is an inanimate rock and i want to make this "epic encounter" as epically absurd as possible.

But i don`t want it to be too unsettling it alienates some of my readers. My comic is for most audiences, like "Avatar, the last airbender".

Here are a the drafts:

What are your opinions: which one do you prefer?, why?, anything to improve?, are they too unsettling?, are they scary/imposing/badass enough?, another thing i may not have considered?

Here is my comic in case you need it to know the tone of the story.

Thanks a lot in advance!

  • created

    Mar '18
  • last reply

    Apr '18
  • 8


  • 1.2k


  • 6


  • 11


  • 1


The second draft definitely makes it easier to see where all limbs are! Though I gotta say that the first draft had an interesting silhouette. I could suggest some bulging muscles since they tend to be seen as both badass and comedic at times haha

And another thing that could work for both intimidation and comedy is if you made this ancient demon to be HUGE compared to your protagonist! Big things tend to be very intimidating—especially if you show your demon as if the reader is looking at him from a low angle.

Now it's just up to color and how you shade him. Good luck!

I also like the second one. There's almost too much going on with the first one and no real focal point in the design? The second one has some repeating elements that kind of holds it together better, if that makes sense. And it seems more fitting for your comic.

I prefer the first one. I like the details on his arms and tail, and he really look like someone, or something, you wouldn't want to mess with. The second looks kind of like a knight.

I like the first one more. I'd suggest giving the first design more contrasts in terms of colour.

As a suggestion that you are more than welcome to throw away, you should add some crazy teeth coming out of various places. Fangs, molars, etc.

I like the first one, although generally I consider horse-head shapes either less intimidating or comedic. I like how you show the eyes - correctly drawn these can add to the feeling of menace that the villain exudes.

13 days later

Ooh! I like how you make his arms stand out by having them a lighter color than the wings :3 I especially love the eyes!

Maybe you can have the hands be a bit lighter/darker than the legs so they don't blend in as much?? :0