18 / 18
Jul 2022

I really really want to reveal parts of my comic but I have to keep them to myself for so damn long!! I mean, for most comic creators waiting ages to reveal stuff is the norm :sweat_02:

I've actually realised how many little things are spoilers since people have actually found them to be more mysterious than I originally thought they were (I suppose it's because I like slowly feeding people information) I think it is because I know my story like the back of my hand- all these plot points feel self explanatory to me until I realise that they actually become spoilers!

In short, I will wait for the satisfaction of revealing big plot points, and fight the urge to spoil constantly :cry_02:


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    Jun '22
  • last reply

    Jul '22
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I get that feeling :joy: What helped me was finding someone who doesn't mind me spoiling the story, so now I've got an outlet for all the big spoilers and can hide them from the rest of the world :joy:

Broooo, i feel you so much, cuz my novel in the beginning is kind of like a slice of life so people might get the wrong idea but they dont know yet what they’re abt to be met in the future that will make them think “is this even that same story?! What happened?!”

I know that feeling. Whenever I finished a page, I only post 1 or two panels on instagram and inform them that I finished a page.

I even added some info about my upcoming 2nd comic not only on instagram but also along the pages of my published comic.

i think i gave up with this since it's SO hard especially with nothing officially out so i've got a dedicated page made for lore dumps and other junk so i can get it out of my brain and folks who're interested in that can view it if they so choose or ignore it entirely and it works either way coz they get extra content during the wait and i can free my headspace from the burden of knowing

This is my greatest temptation. I have to moderate my own replies to comments done in my novel or I might actually slip spoilers in.

I know how this feels. Do you guys ever have people ask questions that it's pretty much impossible to answer without spoiling?

I can't even put the name one of my MCs goes by for the majority of the story in the comic blurb, because it's a mid-level spoiler for chapter one.

So yeah, trying not to constantly drop spoilers is... hard. XD

Bruh, I'm my own walking spoiler. I seek validation and feedback through it.

But in time I've learned to enjoy the comments and theories more. And instead of correcting them I'd like to feed them.

I've already leaked waay too much out there.

I can relate to the second thing about people believing things are more mysterious then you intended or realize because you are so familiar with it. I always worry I'm too close to my own story, so much so that I am forgetting to add basic details and moments that will get readers on board, because I am already on board, since I know what has and what will happen :sweat_02:

Uff, I feel ya. I'm working on building up a buffer right now and haven't shown any pages yet.

Once I actually get closer to releasing the episodes, I'll have tons to share though, so that'll be fun.

The struggle is real. :cry_02:

I just have to have designated places and people I can tell spoilers, because like a lot of creators, I love to talk about my comic, but there are certain characters and character dynamics or relationships I can't talk about without spoilers (It's usually anything to do with Crow). But only one person (my partner) has full spoilers about how the story will end.

Omg tell me about it! The amount of times I've had to stop myself from revealing twists in my story could probably make up a whole Bible lmao

The thing about being the creator of a story, is that you have more knowledge about the world that you create than anyone else does. You've become so accustomed to the characters in the world and that natural laws of it, that even mundane or common things about your story are completely unknown to the reader. Where on the other hand you know everything with an oracle like precision.

My world of magical gemstones obey specific rules, and I can't just dump exposition about how they function onto the reader. To me, the items are exacting relics that act a specific way when interacted with a specific way. To the reader, the objects are a bizarre esoteric stone with seemingly unknown properties. It is left up to the reader to interpret how the rules of a specific world work, or how a specific character thinks or interacts.

I know my nerd brain has made connections where there actually were none before.

1 month later

closed Jul 27, '22

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