2 / 11
Aug 2020

Hey guys! I know I have been really absent in the community but it takes too much time with the comic and work. I just wanted to ask for some advices.
My comic is this one:


And this upcoming september will be its first anniversary. I want to do something to celebrate but since I don't have may subscribers I was wondering what can I do that its fun but doesn't get ignored :frowning:

Thanks for your ideas and also for helping me :smiley:

  • created

    Aug '20
  • last reply

    Sep '20
  • 10


  • 468


  • 4


  • 16


  • 1


If it was a novel, I would suggest sharing a drawing of one or more of your characters or writing a fluff episode. You could...write(and draw)an AU episode where you change things up?

The characters could celebrate the anniversary in a 4th wall breaking episode?

Oh look..now you have 40 subscribers
I really love the art style and the story seems good too, so far, I think try having a Q & A session? with a bonus panel?

Ohhh That's actually a good idea!! I could make an AU with them exchanging what they are! like changing the dragon and the sorcerer's roles! that would be fun! :smiley:

Oh my! thank you so much!! I really appreciate it and I hope you like the story. The Q and A also sounds like a great idea, I'm only worried if people would really ask something :confused: but I may give it a go!

But that's a good sign right?? I did two..one recently and one when i had crossed an average number of subscribers

I suggest something small and simple! Just a cute little art or silly release of writing can go along way to saying thanks to your readers! :smiley: