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Apr 2024

This applies to all sorts of success, whether it be constant viewership, monetisation, or even if you've managed to make a living off of here (super impressive if you have!).
Basically what kind of things worked the best for you/how important was each step to get & keep your audience - was it the covers, marketing (any kind), the actual quality of your work, the popularity of the genre you were writing, interacting with the forums, etc. Also, whether writers find it harder to find success than artists here, or vice versa? As well as how long it took for you to get where you've come to give some sort of realism to the expectations.
Any other tips would be really appreciated, especially by any authors who're looking to start on this platform. Obviously, please link your series below so we can all check it out!

  • created

    Apr '24
  • last reply

    Apr '24
  • 3


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This is all around solid advice, it's interesting to hear from your experience. Thank you!