Do you ever write thing randomly into your story just to add to a scene and then decide later to make it more relevant. Because I only wrote "Damsel in the Red Dress" in about a month when I found out about the True Love On Tapas competition, I was really flying by the seat of my pants lol, and had no time to do a lot of plot points, so I would constantly write random details to the characters, and some of them have become MAJOR plot points in the story later, a sort of unintentional foreshadowing. To be fair, some of it ended up being used just the same way you ever tease plot points, by mentioning them a little ahead of time, even if the event isn't a mystery, but I didn't know anything was going to come of them at all. Like Alicia having a little brother, Kattar's mother being divorced, etc.
But the plot point that has become the most dramatic and intense plot point is really Alicia's screen saver, which most people (including myself) thought had very little relevance, but this line ended up becoming foreshadowing of something that was a much bigger deal:
“Alright. A promise is a promise.” I free the frozen phone from my pants pocket and warm the glass against my cheek until it becomes responsive. The lock screen still glitches twice, refusing to acknowledge my password, and I wait for it to reset, staring at the ugly picture of himself that Kattar set as my lock screen a few months ago, when I was stupid enough to fall asleep with my phone unlocked.