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Jan 7

Feel free to reply on this thread, on Twitter, or on the Comicfury forums where it's the thread of the same title, if you have any questions. Just note this is an art collab where your OCs will be dressed in the main characters' costumes. The only important thing to do is to have fun til the deadline date, just make sure you make it SFW.

  • created

    Jan 7
  • last reply

    Jan 29
  • 6


  • 595


  • 1


  • 8


12 days later

Hello everyone, just wanna let you guys know that there's one week left til the FP art collab's deadline!

Hello everyone, just here to make a little announcement that I'm extending the deadline from the 25th to the 29th of January so anyone who wants to join the art collab and/or will have more time to finish their pieces.

Hey there guys, making a reminder that there's one more day til the collab's deadline.