21 / 47
Apr 2016

@Zannen00 Cute Magical Girl Valencia in a cute pose with a cute expression! Her hairstyle is so far the hardest I've ever drawn! Hope you like it! P.s. I hope you don't mind if I share it on my other social media (write me proper credits to mention you)

If I haven't miscounted it looks like you've only had 9 requests so if it's not too late can I be the 10th? :'D

You can choose Polyphemus or Odysseus (though I recommend Poly! He's the cyclops on the left!) and for pose you could try the one on the right? (:


Heeeeyyy! That's AWESOME smiley

Good job on the line art! I seriously LOVE IT!

Of course not. Knock yourself out! Just write the link back to my series.

Thank you! I really appreciate you took the time to draw it blush
(Also I hope it gives you good practice... especially the hair LOL)
Wish you a good day/ night @AngieVX!

Are you still taking more requests? I would happy if you would draw this girl (Annika from my comic Zotagius)
Using one of these poses

@Marton Thank you for being interested and checking this topic! It's already 10/10 requests, so you'll probably have to wait a bit, but I'll keep you for the next session of this little event.

Please, everyone, write the names of your characters and the titles of your comics so I wouldn't have to search all around the web to give proper credits!

Very sorry for my late reply! I don't know what they are rebuilding in my neighbourhood, but looks like they touched the internet + phone cables -__-.

I LOVE it! Your so talented ^___^. Love absolutely everything about it <33 Thank you!

@Silerna You're welcome! They ALWAYS touch the most important cables while rebuilding, in any city and any country, probably on any planet in any galaxy or star system! I'm happy you like it! HUG

Exactly, but ALWAYS on the wrong times...when you need internet the most XD...

23 days later

That's brilliant. You nailed that pose! Love candies. You couldn't find a better alternative!
Feel free to share it. This needs to be seen!

@Jrej I'm happy you like it! It was pretty challenging to draw him, but also interesting! I like the concept of your comic, it sounds like fun adventures! I'll check it when I have more time and will be able to concentrate on reading it!

Thank you so much. Glad you enjoy my initial plot. I consider it pretty original. I'm getting to the cool action scenes so it's a pleasure to keep moving forward.
I have other cool stories in the works. I wish it would all come out faster!