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Quite a lot of people I think would have to flag it before it's hidden me thinks.
Sees @joe_galindez off color, but still pretty funny joke get flagged. Really people of Tapas Forums? This isn't Tumblr. The greater Internet is not your safe space. Seriously, there was nothing racist about his joke about black women being hard to see in the dark. That goes for anyone with n…
I made a gallery series for Life of an Aspie called Susan's Secret Stash where I have an episode dedicated to all the fan art I've received from other creators.
Any creators here ever experience a shipping in the fandom of your work that makes you say no. Just no!
You're welcome everybody. Happy Valentine's day!
I can say with certainty this would be my reaction to any ship that just doesn't work in LoaA, but especially Susan x Risa.
Am I not allowed to bitch about things as per the title of this thread? I get the impression you aren't interested in an actual conversation as per usual so I'm not sure what the point of you responding to me was if you're going to be like that.
Anyone else not that hyped to go see Black Panther this weekend? Before, I was intrigued by the trailer, but because of all the progressive shilling done for the film leading up to its release the past few weeks, I'm only seeing it because at least Infinity War comes next. And to make it clear,…
Today's my birthday. 22 now. Spent my "birthday eve" spending HOURS on Clip Studio Paint's "Clip Studio Paint Assets" store downloading hundreds of new materials and tools to both add more flavor to future illustrations, but more importantly to make it both faster and easier to make new Life of a…
Because I'm so passionate about my comic Life of an Aspie, every time I update and my regulars comment on the pages, I often end up gushing about a certain character or a certain plot thread when I respond to them.
If I was a bigger creator, I'd love to hold a Reddit AMA (Ask Me Anything) where …
I suppose this comes off more as a double edged sword than a complaint, but I've been noticing that I'm so into the world that I've envisioned for Life of an Aspie and the characters that inhabit it as a writer (and to a degree as an artist too) that I've been pretty much unable to focus on getting …
Seconding what Sarrow said. Getting your foot in the door with other creators (not the popular ones mind you) is how you'll typically get your first genuine fans of your comic. Leaving thoughtful comments, offering to do art trades, guest comics, etc is how I earned my most loyal readers for LoaA.…
Thrice a week to keep things flowing at a reasonable pace and so that you might actually finish your comic before your hair turns gray.
Your comic won't be perfect. Expect lots of bumps and knots while working out the kinks in both your art and your writing. Six Chapters of LoaA taught me this much. Also, Make. A. Damn. Buffer! That's the other thing beginners tend to overlook. Being consistent will get you far even whe…
I think every big franchise or company goes through a slump at some point. Certain genres also feel it too. The Marvel Cinematic Universe was a novelty idea at first, but with everyone else now trying to copy their formula and with Marvel Studios being at the point where they don't have to try any…
Trim it down or begin the story from the viewpoint of one of your characters and let things unfold organically.
Hello to all. Most of you should know who I am and what I do at this point. lol If you don't, that's fine. I'm Aspie Gamer Creator of the niche webcomic Life of an Aspie It's that time of year again for me. On Feb 10th, it will be my 22nd B-Day. To celebrate this year, I was thinking that I…
I offer Nakano, Risa from Life of an Aspie. Since my main female character Susan Graham is about as sexy as a potato trying to do "duck lips" while taking a selfie, Risa was partly created to be the antithesis of Susan regarding sex appeal. Here she is in a little black dress cause every girl who fl…
I've seen similar ads but with Asian women partly because I'm either researching Japanese culture or I'm casually browsing animu drawings on Pinterest...and because I may or may not be partial to Asian women in general. lol
Well I just barely and I mean just barely dodged a blue shell in Mario Kart Wii this morning and that is saying something given how crazy the item RNG in that game is.

Life of an Aspie dates as far back as 2011 when I casually doodled the girl who would become the face of my personal pet project. [image] That said, I only had the first six chapters of LoaA planned out (and even then, I improvised a good bit when I got around to working on them) from the start…
irrc, the whole point was to laugh at people coughing after eating a spoonful of cinnamon. Can't recall though if there were any serious cases of people being rushed to the hospital or what have you. If anything, it was still less dumb than chewing on laundry detergent candies.
Anyone remember the Cinnamon Challenge? At least that was funny. Eating Tide Pods by comparison is like going the way of the dodo bird. O_O
I agree. Even I've been learning to pick and choose my battles and had it been some random artist, I wouldn't have griped about it here, but because its the Owlturd guy and knowing that he has a very bad habit of apologizing for the littlest of things, I figured it warranted a post here in the Bitch…
sigh Just when I thought the Owlturd guy had grown a backbone... Somebody started shit with him on social media last night. A witch-hunt if you will all because he had a friendly convo with a pro GG personality and get this, they took the opportunity to shamelessly plug their mediocre comic while …
To me its a big middle finger towards up and coming creators moving the goalposts without warning. Both Youtube and LINE as of late have made it crystal clear imo where they stand in regards to top creators. Yeah they earn both sites money, but eventually the regular audience will get tired of …
Umm...don't you mean 2018?
So we've gone from Earth-chan to Ugandan Knuckles in less than a month. (Also, something about a triangle and the grossest fast food chain known to man) How do these things even become memes in the first place? Honestly. The only meme I ever participated in was last year's Virgin Killer Sweater…
Just getting over a sinus infection I had very recently.
My series Life of an Aspie is so low profile that I've avoided the "bad" comments that other creators get. That said, I'm more inclined to respond to genuine comments than low effort "keep up the great work" type of comments or any where someone's freaking out about a ship/possible ship. I prefer go…
I'm anti-SJW myself and I know if I showed your post to the likes of Diversity and Comics or Capn Cummings, they'd have a field day ripping you apart for being such a try-hard edgelord.
Seriously, your post is soooo try hard its hilarious. Let's break it down shall we?
Jokes on you I'm singl…
cough Breath of the Wild cough