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Aug 2024

I've been busy with my Tapas AF Tourney entry and haven't had the time to do much sketching, but I also don't want to think too much on what to draw. So yeah, give me your characters and I'll make you a messy little sketch. I might not get to everyone, but I'll try! I'll also probably skip around instead of going in order.

I'm not good with furries or mecha but you can ask. Just expect the worst. :sweat_02: I love fantasy stuff, armor, weapons, cute stuff. If you want art samples, just ask!

I have something! Draw Roy and Elsie in their super suits!

Eh? Eeeeeeeeh?

Roy is going to get a suit of his own and I’m so excited about it! :laughing:

I love your style, the Kyara's you made were bangers! So if it helps you practise I'll gladly give you another character of mine to draw.

How about Kyara's mother, Cathrine, when she was around Kyara's age:

You can choose any of this two. Or the two of them!

Emilio Molina

Ulises Serrano

Hi, thank you for this thread! Would you like to draw either Murat (front) or the Silver Sorcerer (back)?

It'd be cool to get a sketch of one of my FLs. If you're interested, you can pick whichever one interests you the most. Thanks if you decide to draw mine

The spots on her face are vitiligo, not paint

I would love to see a Jack drawing in your amazing style!