35 / 45
Aug 2021

I'm Indian so the head wobble thing.
Anyway, here's my novel.

Ohh man espeziallli in euro 2020🤌🤌🤣
I always think it's a thing of passion.

I had already subbed to your work.The derezolutor family is quite heartwarming,but saying that name aloud I might leave my tongue on the floor​:joy:

Here in America, all the kids are on Tiktoc and all the adults are on Adderall.

The funny thing is that it is actually supposed to be pronounced just "DeRezolutor" as the "De", act like a "The"... more funny is that the entire name is a pair of plays on words: "DeRez" (Tron's "derez", since its run by living holograms), "De Rezolutor" ("The Resolutors", as they help people with their problem through drinks)

OP already subbed, but if anyone else is interested, feel free to check out my novel:

Here in Canada, everyone thinks we're all super polite and everyone goes around apologizing to each other all the time for everything. Except when we play hockey. Never, EVER mess with us when it comes to hockey.

Oops, looks like forgot that, eh? Sorry :wink:. I know you subbed, but it's just in case anyone else is interested, I'm trying to break 100 subs. So far, no luck.

US here. All people in the US are loud and obnoxious.
The last time I traveled abroad, people thought I was from Europe. I guess I should take that as a compliment lol

Oh yeah, here's my comic. Please check it out. Only 9 are up now, but I post a new one every Sunday.

I subscribed to yours so can you please do the same for mine?

Thanks so much! Glad to hear you like it. I'm afraid to say, I haven't been on twitter really. What kind of specific things can happen there? Maybe like getting in a twitter fight? I'm open to ideas.