1 / 26
Jun 2023

Hey. Drawing used to be my favorite thing in the world, but the stress of self promotion and doing comissions led to a pretty long strech of time where I couldn’t enjoy the process anymore. Bit by bit I’ve managed to get back in the habbit of drawing daily just for myself and eventually I want to get back to posting on socials again, but the thought of doing that feels a bit stressful right now and might pull me back into a burnout.

I wanted to try posting daily here on the forums for a while since it feels a bit less stressful and low-stakes to me which is what I need to focus on the process more.

I also tried doing a Draw your oc thread3 a few months ago, but I couldn’t motivate myself like I thought I would, so now I’m just gonna focus on whatever I want to draw in a given day. :grin:

  • created

    Jun '23
  • last reply

    Aug '23
  • 25


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  • 1


  • 126


  • 5


You have a really lovely style! And I love the colors :relieved: :yellow_heart:

Also if you would like to join other people, we'll be glad to see you in sketch a day thread5, maybe you'll find it comfy ^^

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I didn’t like the way this portrait was turning out, so I ended up making a few changes…

@Kelheor Thank you! You too! I ended up looking up your work and I love the way you draw expressions :scream:

I considered posting on the daily sketch thread initially, but my worry was that I would end up bailing out after a few days, because it wouldn’t feel enough like a commitment to me. I’ll probably end up migrating there once I’m 100% sure I’m over my burnout (it’s still there, even if I’m drawing daily).

@l_vi @Legendofgenii Thanks guys! :grin:

You have such a lovely style! I'm in love with your coloring. :heart_01: Keep up the good work!

Thanks for sharing your art here. I think it's great that you take it as a kind of therapy. It's really amazing to see all this.

Full disclosure; I've been trying to steal the heck out of your techniques by eyeballing your rougher colour-blocking pieces and trying to understand how you can make things look like things without lines or shading XD

Ditto. :smile: I really love the compositions and colours too. Such a pleasure to look at. :blush:

9 days later


I wasn’t kidnapped and I just um… didn’t feel like posting?

If you haven’t been able to tell, I go through mood swings something fierce. Especially when it comes to drawing and then sharing that art online. One day, sharing my art can feel like the best thing ever, the next day it can feel like a chore. But I still want to come back to this regardless, it’s important for me to analyze my mood swings and try to work through them.

Apologies if I sound ungrateful, seeing you guys appreciate my art means the world to me, this is just me working through some issues. :sweat:

@Emalie Thank you! It’s a low-budget therapy, but very effective none the less :sweat_smile:

@Legendofgenii :heart: :heart: :heart:

@TheLemmaLlama Heyo, sorry for the late reply. :sweat_smile:

What do you usualy draw on? I’m using an Procreate on an Ipad and it has a useful autocoloring function whenever you use the fill tool. It’s a bit hit or miss, but it can help a lot in early in the coloring process. I could make a quick toturial.jpg to show you how I use it.

Outside of that, there’s stil a lot of linework involved, I just keep it at 20-30% opacity so that it blends in better with the background color. Here’s two brushes that helped me a lot:

https://www.mediafire.com/file/p53y3crgzkxiqu4/Flat_Square_1.brush/file1 - I use this for sketching, small size 30% opacity

https://www.mediafire.com/file/twej73thf4ouw1r/Brush_Pen_1_1.brush/file - I use this coloring, keep it at 55% opacity. It’s a bit hard to get used to it, but worth it imo.

Let me know if the links work pls. It’s the first time I’m using that website.

Oh, never apologise to me for 'late' replies; I want to kill the social norm of expecting propmt replies that aren't explicitly agreed on beforehand XD

I use Medibang, but still, thanks for the advice and brushes! :smiley: (Yes, the links work, for me at least :])

Your colors and lighting are great and the hair you draw is so flowy!