12 / 12
Jan 2023

Okay so, I'm currently working on pages that I've been looking forward to doing for agesss. But here's the thing- for pages I was less excited for I allowed for changes in my vision, leading to a final product that was slightly unexpected but that I'm very happy about!

But now, drawing this scene, I always worry that "there could be an even better way to portray this!!" And this has kind of led to me being overly critical of the art, even if it's just as good as my recent pages. I feel like I can't look at my art objectively at the moment!

I find myself trying to look for things to fix, but I feel it's just me being perfectionist about executing scenes properly. I worry it'll not fit the vision I have for it.

I don't know, what do you guys think? Anyone going through the same thing?

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    Dec '22
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    Jan '23
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Totally. Mine's also in drama genre I could understand there will be key scenes I don't want to fu*k up, but also worry about executions if the drama of the scene is not 'effective' enough or it's overdone-- like when I'm still in 1st act I don't want to put all the stops into early scenes (even if it's key scenes) and want the story to be gradually go deep. (holding back the intensity for future scenes with stronger moments.)

I am mainly a writer, but I think I understand what you mean, when a scene is more important to you and you have been thinking about it for a while, the pressure to create it perfectly is immense. It is a push-pull between knowing you can never make it perfect and getting it as good as you can. The ideal is if you have someone you trust who understand your artistic intent and who will be honest with you :smiley:

I look forward to drawing anything cop related. But I always feels like the pages aren't gonna come out as good. Oh, the next car is gonna look like trash and everyone will think I'm a fraud as all of the cars don't have the same quality. When it's just a time thing or just my level of tired that makes them more rough.

This always made me procrastinate on pages.

Being a comic artist is so much fun, but god it sure is stressful.

I've been drawing comics for 31 years. (20 professionally) and never felt a moment of stress. :joy:

I don't think I've felt this particular stress before. When I finally get to a scene that Ive already written out and confident in that I now get to draw im usually super motivated and happy about it.

It's mostly when I'm at scenes that I'm not as confident in or I feel could use another write but it's too late now and I gotta pull through it. A lot of times I'm sitting at my desk asking "is this doing enough story telling to even be relavent? Should I just throw it out completely? Is it too fast? Is it too slow?" Things like that and scenes like that tend to slow me down.

I think the best way to deal with it is, there will ALWAYS be a better way to portray that art you really want to draw. That's because you're always improving!

That will create paralyzing stress just like the page remake cycle. Go for it, maybe in a few years you can do anniversary illustrations with a new depiction of it!

Aaah! I'm coming up on a scene I've been wanting to do forever too! Also yeah, I'm kinda nervous about the execution given it'll be really sensitive, more so than the other things I've covered. I don't want it to come off as insensitive, romanticizing, or encouraging others to imitate it.

Regardless I'm just going to keep pushing forward. You never know how thing will turn out until you go for it, so there's no point in mulling over the what ifs. Even though it'll take time away from you, the nice thing about doing a free webcomic is you can go back and tweak it if the scene was done really badly. (Of course, don't do that unless it's absolutely abysmal.)

Um yes, am going through exactly the same situation myself right now. For like 2 projects actually. It's a frustrating part of being a creator. Especially when those landmark scenes in your comic are the reason you decided to make it in the first place. Me, I'm actually pretty sick right now, and so part of me just wants to put it off until later so I can do it right because my brain fog has been pretty bad of late. But then another part of me understands that's probably procrastination, and I just tell myself "I'll fix it in the HD version." (and yet I did not work on the comic for more than 2 panels this week lol.)

Haha yeah I definitely felt this way about the most impactful panels that I really want to hit home when working on the Webtoons contest earlier this year; I was stressed about really nailing them moreso than the other panels :'D

But looking back on it all after the fact, I was really pleased about the ones I nailed and not as bothered as I thought about the ones I didn't, so there's that XD

It is tough to work when you are ill, you are better waiting until your head is clear otherwise you might not be happy with what you produce. Hope you get well soon!

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closed Jan 19, '23

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