28 / 57
Nov 2019

The creators a genuinely friendly person, and I have an admiration to how much time and dedication she puts to making her series. Its one of those series where I ask whether the creator is remembering to take care of themselves cause theres always an update weekly since I first subbed back in 2016.

Because the characters are great and unique

Because, who dont like blue! Blue its great

Ethan, the mc is super duper cute! And magical

Awesome idea!!
Here are a few (I hope it's ok to nominate more than one :shook_01:):


The art is great, the panels flow very smoothly, and it's a fun take on a merman's adventure who ends up getting stuck on land! :smug_01:


It's interesting to see a comic made up of pixel art, I've been enjoying this one so far because of its unique style! :smile_01:


I love Vel's art style and this remake of their old comic looks very promising so far! :hype_01: Vel's characters are always well fleshed out and I'm sure they will be in this reboot too!


v-0-3 is so talented when it comes to drawing robots, some of the panels in this comic are also presented in really creative ways and I love how the artist always manages to make glitches tangible in comic/panel forms through these presentations. :tapa_pop:


Art style is amazing, writing flows very well, paneling is great too, seems like a very promising comic so far! :supicious_stache:


The pacing in this comic is perfect, the art style is lively and fun, it sometimes feels like reading from screenshots of an anime with the artist's unique way of portraying scenes, really neat work! :tapa_pop:

That's awesome :slight_smile: I love that.

What can be said about these comics? The art, the story, character development, Everything is topnotch. :3

(this is a relaunch of their older webcomic. The older one is as beautiful as this comic ;3 )

One of the best love stories I've ever read for a very long time. It's not flashy and it's not the kind of romance you'd expect happening. It's witty, it's cute and I love it.

Im a big fan of vampires, especially when the lore is in depth and interacts with other supernatural creatures. This one is well written with art thats always improving!

THANK YOU SO MUCH! I received the ink and was like "I was nominated for something?! What is this about?!"

It may be weird to nominate back BUT... I have to nominate @Azifri's comic, Terra Prima! The characters in it are so strange and engaging. The story is literally out of this world and complex but elegant. There isn't another quite like it!

And I must nominate two of my other favorites!

The Broken Ones has a crazy group of characters with unique back stories in this beautiful fantasy world. GORGEOUS artwork and awesome fight scenes.

Does Phantom Reign even need an explanation?! The concept alone of having readers decide what happens is so much fun and not only that but the world is one of the coolest I've ever read in a webcomic and the ART. Every panel is like a painting!

Woohoo! All caught up!

I'll be doing some more tomorrow :slight_smile:

Thanks so much for all your continued support and hopefully this has inspired some people to spread the love!

Hope everyone has a great Inksgiving!

Oh this is a great idea! :smiley:
I nominate @CodeMonkeyArts 's novel:

Her novel combines elements of the superhero genre with dark, mature romance. What I love about it is the mindblowing action scenes, Coda's take on mature, unstable relationships, as well as the amazing world she has built up. She compliments the story well with insert art and I always look forward to each chapter!

Please send some support to Jenny-toons. She's an awesome creator who is bringing some tasty monster romance to the comic world. Her characters are always so expressive and unique, and the lore behind Christina has me completely intrigued.

Also zerofruits and her comic SHEEP + WOLF. This comic is a beautiful story about a shy boy who is going out of his comfort zone to seek help from the more confident Takeru, "Wolf" character. The art is stunning, the dialogue is real, the characters are wholesome.

Speaking of awesome series...

@ivanskilling created a fantastic story filled with political intrigue, epic action, and forbidden, almost tragic romance. It helps that this takes place in Ancient China and stars a self-assured, stoic Empress who is not helpless and nor a mere waif. I highly recommend this, especially if one is a fan of historical romance and political thrillers!

I think that this guy:


deserves more attention.

His comics are done in simple but very authentic style and have an unique vibe, but is surprises me, how few people read them. (Maybe it's because they are done in the style of old Russian action movies and have some details of our mentality, so they may be hard to be fully understood by not Russians? :joy: )
So I'd nominate him.

Thank you!! :heart_eyes:

I think this one is off to an interesting start, I can't wait to see where it goes

This one is one of my absolute favorites

This one is just beautiful!

This is one, I have no words to describe how amazing it is! The plot is so suspenseful, and the art is beyond beautiful!

To be honest, I got hooked after reading the first page XD! But I like the story line and the characters are hilarious!

Just read and you will love!

The creator of this series is a cookie, but don't be fooled. This story is full of horrors and you may not sleep tonight, but (I love it...)

I wish I could give you everything in my library! Dang it!

Thank you for offering this :smiley:

I always gotta shout out this comic, it definitely deserves more love:

It's really entertaining, makes fun of some classic manga tropes. You end up going for a ride just like the characters, as they learn about all the supernatural things around them. Though things start to get serious once they learn their lives are really in danger. :o

If there is someone that deserves thousand of Subscribers and not only Ink is Valerie Diestro any ot her creation but above all this one.