140 / 194
Apr 2020

I could need a bit of positivity. Also, new chapter coming, just letting you know :slight_smile:

Thank you for sharing your comic. :smile:
I like that you draw traditionally, and I also like your title. :slight_smile:

Aww thank you so much, really. I'm so slow in answering 'cause I'm new in here and the site not allows me to comment more than 3 time per day, including say thanks to all the people :frowning:

Here's my webcomic :slight_smile:

My series is called KRZ, and "Tiger Winds" serves as Part 1. It's dark-fantasy/action with LGBT+ elements, because a gay man, my goal is to create LGBT+ characters for LGBT+ youth to look up to.

Now while we are all going through this coronavirus pandemic, I have a new page being uploaded every day at 6:00 PM for this month!!!

I like your comic, KRZ part 1 Tiger Winds. The little colors with black and white looks great and makes your comic unique. Your anatomy proportions are good, and you are great at facial expressions. :smiley: Thank you for checking out, Flecks of Jupiter. :slight_smile:

I looked at your comic and it’s so pleasing to look at!

You're welcome.
It's okay. No worries.
Welcome to Tapas! :smiley: Hope you'll enjoy your stay here. The community here in Tapas is nice, friendly, and welcoming to all newcomers. ^_^

I really love your thumbnail. I also like your characters. They're so lovable and interesting characters. I love your coloring style too. Thank you so much! I'm happy you like Flecks of Jupiter.

I could always use some positivity! :grin: Also excited to check out some of the other comics here in this thread!

@pilot-obvious I really love your comic, Future Agents. :smiley: Love the font style of the title. The drawings are big which is awesome. The dialogue font is big and easy to read. Your drawings are beautiful, and your story is very interesting to read. You know how to end every chapter well to make your readers want to read more of your comic :slight_smile:

Hey :slight_smile:

by the first look (ep 1.1) your style looks really good.
But you are definetly better in drawing people than surroundings. I really love their faces.<3
For things like a hairbrush you should add more 3d into it. Next to the hairbrush there is a box (here you did it). Because the box is in 3d and the hairbrush not, it looks really flat.
When the ends of the hairbrush are round, you should add more shadow to it. :slight_smile:

But everything look really good together and harmonic. :slight_smile: good job <3
I leave a sub :slight_smile:

here is mine, if you want to look:

Hi, Summer,
Thank you that you like navpink's art style. I'm the writer of Flecks of Jupiter. :smiley:
Thank you also that you love the faces of my characters and for subscribing.
I also subscribed to your comic. I really like the art style and the story. I love the backgrounds too. The rubber shoes of the characters looks really cool. Also, I like the concept of Grim Reaper in Training. Keep it up. :slight_smile:

3 months later

Love the vibes of everyone here, if anyone loves a good binge on some fantasy, I've got everything you could possibly want. Romance? Got it. Action? Got it. Horror? Got it. LGBT romance? Got it. Drama? Definitely got that.
-Fantasy/medical drama with mild romance
-DnD races: elf, dwarf, orcs, the various sort
-Fantasy magical technology

-Fantasy/romance with some action/drama
-Some war conflict
-Dragon prince X fairy prince
-LGBT romance

-Whirlwind romance
-Climate change destroyed the world, people had to adapt somehow
-Fantasy/horror with some drama/thriller elements
-Game of Thrones level language and gore
-Graphic language and imagery
-Dark themes, dark imagry
-Bad guy lead

omg ur artstyle is so smooth and majectic!!!!!! >^< ahhhh amazingggg!!!! the detailsaknaljhvoi bsfhreivhnsikb ndpehjpt. so good!! its like art asmr for ur eyes! 0v0

I love the subtle detail you add in your comic. Its a very unique style with familiar aspects that keep me coming back for more! I would love some positive feedback as well if possible.