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Oct 2018

Hello, Tapas Fans!

Got Ink? Whether it’s traditional or digital, ink is the foundation of everything we do at Tapas. It’s come to represent creativity and enthusiasm which we see so much of within our readers and creators. We want Tapas to reflect our readers and creators, and so that said, we’re very excited to introduce Tapas Ink, coming this November!

Say goodbye to the Coin Shop and hello to the Ink Shop!

Creators! Got Ink? Tapas is a place where you can live your dreams, interact with readers and fans, and showcase your skills!

Readers! Got Ink? Tapas is not just another platform where you can find thousands of comics and novels. You also influence the digital ecosystem while supporting your favorite creators and interacting with them!

Tapas is the platform that connects our readers & creators with Ink.

What else?

To celebrate the arrival of ink, we will be having our very first Inksgiving on November 20 and 21! More details and information will be announced soon. (Hint: start saving up those coins!)

The Tapas Team

  • created

    Oct '18
  • last reply

    Nov '18
  • 27


  • 4.2k


  • 22


  • 71


  • 6


pinned Oct 27, '18

Already watching ads everyday since the last teaser :wink:

Just maybe I should actually do the game offers instead XD would probably be faster.

Seems kind of weird to do.

Now a lot of creators, including myself will have to redraw some things involving the coins.

Oh yeah, I like this. Coins feel a bit too impersonal for me, but ink has a nice thought to it - like I'm powering a creator's pen, whether it belongs to an artist or a writer, with exactly what it needs to keep going.

I think that re-branding coins as ink is super cute, I guess it might be a little bit confusing to explain at first, but coins have always been kinda hard to explain.

saying "the ink you give me can be redeemed for actual money" seems a lot more clear than saying "tapas coins can be redeemed for actual money", mostly for semantic reasons I guess?

Also I love the idea of "inksgiving" I think previous coin drive campaigns really suffered from being somewhat of a surprise, having an annual event helps clear that up, and setting it up around thanksgiving really helps fuel that charitable spirit.

Gotta say, I'm looking forward to this change. (pun unintended?)

I got little over 30,000 coins, are they going to just little vials of ink now? I gaiz I got 30,000 ink!

I like this idea alot! Bein' a traditional artist n all :smile: It's a pretty original idea especially for an art community. And BRING ON THE BLACK

interesting, and cute! im curious how the tipping graphics will look

i have to ask though, whats the thought behind the rebrand?

As a serious question since this is a new format does that mean people with tipping have to re-apply to get inking cause i know some of us with tipping dont have the 250 sub limit and with already having tipping activated it could be an issue

Nah, I think they just changed tipping and coins to support and ink. So just changing the name.

I thought swimming in coins was fun; can't wait to swim in ink. :joy:

I hope that we can watch unlimited ads to earn ink. We need more ways of earning ink. Maybe there'll be more available ways once the event starts. :relaxed:

This seems like something better suited for a site of tattoo artists and enthusiasts.