3 / 91
Jun 2020

Do you have a YouTube for art, speedpaints, animation or just anything creative? Share it here! Let's support each other since it's hard enough to get your channel out there! I make animations and music primarily for my New Gods novel!

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There are 90 replies with an estimated read time of 5 minutes.

Cool I didn't know you had a YouTube channel. Here is mine. I don't do much with it other than a few speed sketches and paintings.

You should definitely check out my friend Void's channel too btw! They don't have a lot of traction on their art and deserve so much more.

I uploaded my first comic when I first started it. Right now, I am doing videogames walkthrough while making my new comic.

I have a Youtube with some speedpaints for my comic TLC

In the videos I talk about the characters, heres a link if interested!

I have a barebone channel where I put trailers of my web games.

I do more 3D stuff now

Oh man, haven't uploaded in a longgggg time because of school @_@. I plan to upload more once I feel like I got some basics of drawing down. But anyway, I will link you all the first video of my youtube channel from last year. I voiced over my comic...which I plan to redraw :D.

I make art on my channel and blab a lot about my novel Jade Kingdoms! I discuss the characters, lore and updates. :slight_smile:

I have one : )
I make speedpaints, art ramble videos and animatics.

I just subbed to all the channels that have been shared so far!!! Mine is .... at the moment, but I plan on creating and uploaing more videos in the future!