20 / 22
Apr 2022

Are characters that literally are animals allowed?

My protag Beyren has two animal motifs- a bear and a dog. He is affectionally nick-named 'Bear' by friends and- on the darker flip side- called "mutt" and compared to a dog in a derogatory manner by people who dislike him.

Both associations come in part from his being a shaggy-haired slob with a predominantly brown/green color palette, but also have something to do with his personality and history. He's a loner, yet gives off the energy of an excited, friendly puppy and is an obedient underling to a "master" at the beginning of the story. He also comes from a family of low social status viewed as inferior, almost like animals, and is called a "mutt" as a result (a great emphasis is placed on bloodlines and ancestry is his culture).

Oof. Even as the writer, I never thought about what a big part this animal motif played in his character and arc until I happened across this question. Pretty neat, the little revelations you have about your own stories and characters when asked questions you never thought of yourself :]

I have a character called Nyala. He is cursed that causes him to partially turn into a goat/deer. He has horns. Horizontal pupils and a hairy body. Though I'm not sure if it would count in Animal Motif.

I mean, I have Riverfang:

I think it‘s visible in his pupils, but there‘s also a theme with his general elemental attacks, Riptide forming a claw of water and also - obviously - this attack right here, which should make the motif obvious:

Catgirl go brrrrr

There are also other animal hybrids too (on the extras series there's also lore behind it lol)

I mean, its a little on the nose. but, clover is like a wolf girl. so... easy answer i guess lol.

I have a character whose nickname is Kestrel. She's a thief, and her outfit consists of a feathery coat and a bird mask.

Also this is the perfect description for her:

Thank you! And I love Anopheles' desgin, my favourite cult leader!

Callis has a slight "Lion" theme to him, with his hair being described more like a mane than actual hair. Funny thing is, there aren't any lions in this world.

Yeah! I mean, if it were like a purely aesthetic thing where the character didn't retain any traits of or narrative themes/connections to the animal I'd say no, but that's pretty rare.

He's called the "Funky Monkey" in his universe. You'll see him do monkey mannerisms in the next episode. Can't get too deep because spoilers.

Description: Naota Nakaoka was just your typical harem hearthrob until his life was cut short. Now he's been reincarnated .... as a stick figure. How will he be able to rebuild his harem in a world where where anime tropes (and faces) don't exist??? Find out in That Stick Figure Isekai!!! Episodes every Friday!

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closed May 2, '22

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