8 / 41
Aug 2022

Hm... May I draw my character Donnie as a vampire? I think that'd look cool.

I'm indecisive between doing a demon or a The Walking Dead Reference xD But it sounds fun, i'd totally join. But I really don't know what of those I want to do more xD

Good thing is both are open!! So, take your time :)! Either way, I think both would be epic!!

@phantomhiveel I'll tell my ideas so you can help me xD

For the demon I have the classic pose1, would be something like that, but more colourful, more reds and blacks, a pentagram in the back and stuff like that.

Fot the TWD reference I'd use more characters, maybe one for Rick, one for Daryl etc, at least my main 4 as TWD characters, so it'd take more time but it'd be more fun xD BUT i'm bad drawing guns

Yea! That would work!!! And absolutely for Walking Dead it would be cool to have some of the characters that people like!! And hmm...what program do you use for your comic? there are some weapon materials in clip studio

@phantomhiveel is there? I'll look for it! I use clip studio! That'll be fun then! But it'll take a while hehehe I'll try to start it this week and hopefully I'll finish it in the deadline xD I'll try to find a scene of the show that I can use as reference tho, so I can make it faster, let's see.

Yea, I'm pretty sure there are, may cost some clippies though haha. I know there are free 3D models you can use though. And awesome!! That would be super cool!!

Oh hell yeah, Halloween collab! I feel like taking the ghost option for my character Silas is cheating because he’s,, canonically a ghost, but if it’s alright with you then I’d love to do that!!

Imma just snatch the zombie hunter one for my peeps.

I want to do witch :jack_o_lantern:
EDIT: I may not actually be able to participate according to the rules, but WHAT THE HEY I'M GONNA DRAW IT ANYWAY AND SOMEONE ELSE CAN TAKE THE ACTUAL SLOT

I'm going to sound like a total noob, but... what does DPI mean?

Dot per inch
the number of printed dots contained within one inch of an image
More dots= file of bigger size and resolution

Also is there any space for ghost hunter? (though, I kind of want to do it rather with "Priest/cleric" interpretation as they exorcist ghosts and evil spirits)