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Oct 2019

The spooky season is upon us, and Halloween is just around the corner! Show off your Halloween special episodes, general Halloween artwork, or anything that fits the aesthetic for the season. I'll start with this year's Halloween postcard for Mallory Bash!

  • created

    Oct '19
  • last reply

    Nov '19
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There are 55 replies with an estimated read time of 3 minutes.

The main characters of my comic each have...interesting choices in their style, I'll say that. I think their costume choices speak for themselves.

I'm doing three pics in total, the second one is almost finished. I'm doing anime references this year!

(A cookie :cookie: for those who know which anime it is, shouldn't be too hard :smile_01:)

Well, I've been working on a comic for halloween, and it's going to have a lot of halloweeny imagery :3

Okay, that's pretty badass. I could see that as part of an awesome album cover.

We're going to do something different for this week of Halloween. Behold the Steel Raining CHOKING NIGHTS! .

Starting today and until Oct31, I'm posting a new spooky page every day, but only FOR A LIMITED TIME. All of them will be deleted after the night of Halloween. This year, I have some brand new bits of story ready to give you goosebumps.

Be warned, my cupcakes! MWAH-HA-HA-HA!

mine just posted on my comic! I'm on hiatus, but it's a small treat for my readers :smiley: hope it makes you laugh!

I didnt make a haloween episode because too much work and my comic dont even have 3 episodes, but i made a art. It'll be posted the 30 of this month

Its one of my characters dressed as "la llorona" i dont k ow the name in english