So, here's the plan, you choose whichever character from whatever webcomic from tapas you want, but can't be posted it until Septrmber 25th.
You can't tell the owner of the character your OC is cosplaying until you've done it, to avoid the scenario of:
A: oh @(B) I'm gonna draw my OC dressed as yours!
B: oh @(A), I'm gonna do the same!
The point is to show our love as a community, not as two best friends, to make it fair bewteen us and try to show other people comic's we love. Think of it, as the invisible friend game, but you choose the friend, or the comic in this case.
We all start sharing it on September 25th so people can decide to share each other's art on Halloween's Eve (or whicherver date you prefer after Halloween for whatever reason.). We'll share the art and tag the owner of the character cosplayed.
Also, if you wanna draw your bestie's OC cosplay, feel free too! you can post it on the other art threads and talk bewteen each other about sharing it on social media. This one is just specifically to share other people's comics and help them promote.