2 / 53
Aug 2023

I feel like every comic artists or novelist has at least a couple scenes in their story that they’re either dying to draw/write because they’re so excited about it or dreading to get to because of one reason or another. Whether it be because of the visuals, an intense moment, a pivotal moment, or just something you’ve had in your head since the idea for your story began. Have you gotten to draw/write it yet? What scene or moment is it and why do you feel that way about it?

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    Aug '23
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    Jun '24
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i have so many scenes like this but my favorite one has to be toward the end of my story, which is good cause it gives me the push to keep going!

I thought I did, but then there's ANOTHER scene that gives me that feeling.

So far it was the Dodgeball Arc, Quincy's first appearence, Tizoc's first appearance, the scene where we find out where Naota REALLY is at, Naota learning his life was a lie, the Red Giantess's first appearance, hints that she's a bigger threat

I do think out of all of the arcs planned, the next one I feel like I'm the most excited for since it utilizes the stick figure concept in a crazy manner and I generally want to see how the audience reacts since the character it revolves around is the last person you'd expect to hold certain thoughts.

I have drawn one of those kinda scenes, but I have yet to post it. My queue is HUGE so it won't be seen for a month or so. But my girlfriend's seen it and she freaked out! lol

In five years I will reach "THAT" And its the main reason I started writing

I try to plan for there being multiple "that part"s.

There are some I've already hit, like In the prologue when Excalibur was drawn, that the was the first "That part". Then chapter 3, where Crow swoops in to save Rekki was a "that part". Chapter 5, where Rekki fills in the backstory, was very much a "that part", and then more recently in Chapter 7, Rekki's confession about her feelings about Crow... that was definitely a "that part". I have a lot more where those came from though! Ohh yes!

Yeah, I have a lot of parts I really like, but my favorite scene is coming up in a few episodes. Just a couple sentences, but it makes me so happy every time! So I am excited and anxious for readers to read it.

The opposite - those scenes which I dread because they feel infused with something just not right from a writer's standpoint? I try and fix them as I upload, but it doesn't always work.

I've gotten to two big scenes so far. I try to pace them so that each chapter ends on one, or at least it happens near the ending.

The one near the end of the current chapter is a mixed bag because while I'm excited for it story wise, I'm dreading having to draw it. I won't say why because spoilers.

I got to "that" point in Finding Daecon's Way almost a year ago (the story is fully written but is being released one week at a time as I get the imagery done). I thought I was finished with writing it.

And then I had an epiphany. Or a dream. Or something. One night I couldn't get Daecon out of my mind and laid out a whole second volume. I still haven't gotten to "that" point with Volume Two but I've already got Volume 3 in my mind as well.

There's a murder soon.

I've been itching to get at it for over a year. I'm less than 3 months away. I CAN'T WAIT.

Not yet :sob: the moment for me is right before the finale of the comic so I have a bit of ways to go. It's what kicked off me wanting to start the whole story so I'm itching to get to that point.

But I have gotten to a lot of other big moments in the comic and that makes me pretty happy.

Got 4 "that parts" which includes the final climactic part, got 2 down 2 to go :sweat::pensive:

I also have more than one part I'm really looking forward to :smiley:

A few of them are already out: the scene with Adrian's dream, the part where Adrian's powers are finally revealed and the vision caused by his retrocognition skills. I loved making those scenes because they allowed me to get creative with panel compositions and because they came with a lot of drama and/or revelations!

I also survived a couple of scenes I was dreading, namely the crime scene investigation (because it was my first time drawing more complex poses and perspectives) and the conversation between Jorn and Father Uriel at the cemetery (so much talking, omg :cry_01:).

There are a lot more scenes I'm looking forward to, some related to new characters that have yet to be introduced, others related to action/plot twists and some involving character relationships, but it will be a while before we get there :sweat_02:

Done multiple of those in my story. I just work to them per Book.

I've partly drawn a pivotal "wut" moment.
It's months and months away to release and I cant help but think what my few readers will make of it! :grimacing:

In fact, I just published it this week!! I've written chapters with very difficult and sentimental moments, but this one in particular, although for some it wouldn't be a big deal and I mean the moment when my characters are together... together, for the first time in decades . :blush: It was a bit stressful for me because I didn't want it to seem so melodramatic but something that had to happen in an intense and unexpected way. I doubted this chapter when I felt it was the right time to write it and even more so when I shared it. :sweat_smile::+1:

.....yes and no(?)
See this novel:

Is the only thing I've posted here with "THAT" in it, and technically this is a edited script.. And I have already kinda maybe written "THAT" thing but in the worst possible way.....

To be clear I also have "drawn THAT" part in a abridged comic as I realized UBERNATURA takes way too long to even write, but I can't post it here because the panels might be lost forever.......

And to finally actually answer: NO, I haven't gotten to "THAT" part in the actual comic, because things happen.... One day the script will be uploaded here, but I'm not going for "THAT" anymore.. I wasted a bunch of time and money and didn't even get to the arc with "THAT" in it

The ones completed
(1) Ep 2D - 2D3 Owen sees through the eyes of a sadistic man (FPS game style) who finds intrigue with the outbreak Owen & Evan unwillingly started in their hometown. A wild rollercoaster scene that continues to build on the comic's style of action horror, more whacky powers and ties together previously introduced events.

(2) Ep 3a - 3a4 Evan infects a pig (unintentionally), Evan gets to show some combat tricks, both he and Owen learn new abilities. Enjoyed capturing panels where foreground and background showed action happening, and the spontaneous/amateur vibe of the fight.

There are lots of 'That Parts' I cant wait for -two are very close
(1) VS Raffa :wolf: :full_moon: and (2) meeting Xun :v:- two more guys who make up season 1's core cast (think ninja turtles/power rangers group dynamic) Both appear to know more about the outbreak and bring out other sides of Evan's dynamic personality. Owen learns more about his big brother outside the 'home environment'.

And after Season 1 (long ways to go) - can't wait to introduce other characters who contribute to 'That Part'
some were featured in the Warriors Expo decor Ep. 3b3